At what age do kitties start eating moist food ?

I have a mama cat and she seems to be staying longer and longer away from the babies. Should i put some wet food down for them ?

    At what age do kitties start eating moist food ?

    I have a mama cat and she seems to be staying longer and longer away from the babies. Should i put some wet food down for them ?...
    Other Pet Discussions : At what age do kitties start eating moist food ?...

    • Six or seven weeks and it doesn't have to be moist food, it can be a good quality kitten chow.

    • If your mama cat is staying away from the kittens and not feeding them either she abandoned them or they are old enough to take care of themselves. I would feed them milk in a bottle until they are 1 Month old unless you are giving them away

    • you should slowly start feeding them moist kitten food by 4 & 1/2 weeks old just put the moist food on the floor close to them when the mother isn't around, kind of put their noses in it to give them the smell and taste of it keep fresh food on the floor with a bowl of water and slowly but surely they will start eating it , the mother should start to ween them by 5 weeks slowly but by 7 weeks they will be completely on dry food.

    • Start the kitties off on dry food, usually around 4 to 6 weeks, I would wait 2 months or so before I would give them wet food.. Wet food at a young age will cause diarrhea..

    • you should try and put the mamas food next to the kittens so they could both eat. If she is an out side cat, then keep her in. But if you put food in milk and warm it up then they will eat it.

    • Kittens should nurse as long as possible, but there are times when you have to wean them early. Like right now, I'm bottle feeding 3 orphaned kittens, so getting them off a bottle asap helps me with all the other things I have to do. As soon as they can stand and move around pretty well, or about 3 weeks you can start putting KMR in a shallow dish rather than a bottle. Put their little noses down to the milk, you might get some on their nose, but that is OK. Usually they will start lapping right out of the dish. It can get pretty messy, so be prepared to wash them off after eating. Then you can upgrade to KMR stage 2. This is like baby cereal, you mix it with the KMR or at this point you can change to Goats milk, which is less expensive. NEVER give kitties regular milk!! Also, never give kittens dry food until you know for sure they are drinking enough water, or they will dehydrate. I'm the one in town that all the Vets call on when something needs to be bottle fed. I've raised hundreds of puppies, kittens, coons, and bunnies.