How do you tell the difference between hamster genders and if their mating or not?

Yeah i have two hamsters in a cage and i dont know if their both girl cause ones bigger than the other and i cant tell in the littler one and i dont know if their mating cause they look like their hhumping each other alot.??

    How do you tell the difference between hamster genders and if their mating or not?

    Yeah i have two hamsters in a cage and i dont know if their both girl cause ones bigger than the other and i cant tell in the littler one and i dont know if their mating cause they look like their hhumping each other alot.??...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you tell the difference between hamster genders and if their mating or not?...

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    • How do you tell the difference between hamster genders and if their mating or not?

      How do you tell the difference between hamster genders and if their mating or not? Other Pet Discussions
      Yeah i have two hamsters in a cage and i dont know if their both girl cause ones bigger than the other and i cant tell in the littler one and i dont know if their mating cause they look like their hhumping each other alot.??

      How do you tell the difference between hamster genders and if their mating or not?

      How do you tell the difference between hamster genders and if their mating or not? Other Pet Discussions
    • i have 8 hamsters, mostly dwarf hamsters xDokay to tell the difference, first the distance from the private part to the ashole is a way to tell the genders, i'm serious. And to know whether they are humping, i wonder about that about my hamsters too, if one is on TOP of the another with their private parts facing each other, then it is not humping, just the hamsters playing around. if one is in its normal position and the other goes behind, then that's humping.

    • When they're young it's hard to tell. I once got 2 hamsters in which I was told (by a dude at the pet store) were females. I named them Holly and Peanut. Well, later on I found out Peanut had peanuts... -coughcough- And that was on Thanksgiving Day. As they get older you can REALLY tell if they are or aren't female. Can't really remember when they were babies how they looked, but best of luck with that.

    • It's VERY obvious when a hamster is a male because they will have 2 large sacs under their tail (the testicles). If you have dwarf hamsters, they can cohabit together, but if you have Syrian hamsters (the common hamster) you had better not keep them together in the same cage. You see hamsters together in the pet stores because they are young, part of the same litter or are mates. And even those hamsters sometimes get serious injuries. Hamsters DO NOT...I repeat...hamsters DO NOT get along with each other in the same cage. As soon as they become adults, they will KILL each other. I have years of experience raising hamsters. They should never be placed in the same cage together except to mate, so you can never keep two females or two males as pairs in 1 cage. So I really hope they are male & female. But unless you want to have 1000s of hamsters, I suggest you separate them. A hamster has the shortest gestation period of all mammals. It's only 16 days! That means they can reproduce twice a month! Also, female hamsters are extremely protective over their litters and nests. Unless they have complete, undisturbed quiet before, during and after the birth they will literally eat all of their babies. I know it's gross. If you really want to mate your hamsters, first make sure you can find homes for them all. A hamster can have as many as 18 babies! Second, you need another cage so you can separate the male from the female as soon as mating is over to prevent either from killing the babies. Third, you need a place that is protected and sheltered from all distractions, noise, and disturbances for the birth. Do NOT touch the babies for at least 10 days or the mother will KILL or EAT them. Make sure you provide plenty of nesting material for the mother to protect & hide her babies as well. Here is a photo of a male hamster. As you can see, it's very easy to tell. Also male hamsters are much friendlier than the females.