How do I get my cat to get along with my puppy?

I have to seperate my puppy and cat becouse my cats tail will puff up and i am scared he will attack my puppy. What can I do to get them to get along?

    How do I get my cat to get along with my puppy?

    I have to seperate my puppy and cat becouse my cats tail will puff up and i am scared he will attack my puppy. What can I do to get them to get along?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my cat to get along with my puppy?...

    • How do I get my cat to get along with my puppy?

      How do I get my cat to get along with my puppy? Other Pet Discussions
      I have to seperate my puppy and cat becouse my cats tail will puff up and i am scared he will attack my puppy. What can I do to get them to get along?

      How do I get my cat to get along with my puppy?

      How do I get my cat to get along with my puppy? Other Pet Discussions
    • I recently got a puppy too and also have a cat. My cat did hiss at him at the start but the more they are together, the less time it will take for them to get use to eachother.

    • its very normal for a cat to act like that,give it some time and i guarentee that they'll be best puddiesthe best way is to put your cat in a kennel and have your puppy outside the kennel and talk to the both of them to keep them calm,the cat is going to puff up but they'll eventually adapt to each otheri have four dogs and one cat and there best friends,it works

    • Your cat probably isn't used to him yet my cats are always that way to unknown new pets but eventually they become friends. It's an instinct for now just separate them as much as possible because young puppies get really curious but they tend to not notice their boundaries and he might get to close to the cat and he possibly could attack. Goodluck with your new puppy! :D

    • The best thing I found for them to get along is to put them together so they get use to ech other they might be snippy at first but they will get along it will just take a little time but hang in there