How can I convince my mom to get a kitten from the shelter?

I have 2 kittens. One is two and the other is barely one. But, my younger cat needs a playing partner. Help!My two cats have "bonded" for 7 months and they HATE each other. The price of cat food isn't the problem.

    How can I convince my mom to get a kitten from the shelter?

    I have 2 kittens. One is two and the other is barely one. But, my younger cat needs a playing partner. Help!My two cats have "bonded" for 7 months and they HATE each other. The price of cat food isn't the problem....
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I convince my mom to get a kitten from the shelter?...

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    • How can I convince my mom to get a kitten from the shelter?

      How can I convince my mom to get a kitten from the shelter? Other Pet Discussions
      I have 2 kittens. One is two and the other is barely one. But, my younger cat needs a playing partner. Help!My two cats have "bonded" for 7 months and they HATE each other. The price of cat food isn't the problem.

      How can I convince my mom to get a kitten from the shelter?

      How can I convince my mom to get a kitten from the shelter? Other Pet Discussions
    • You have to consider the fact that the more cats you have the more litter and food you need. That may be why your mother doesn't want another one. But, if your really hung up on having another one show your mom how lonely the kitten is and explain that having another kitten would be cheaper than trying to buy all different types of expensive cat toys to amuse a sad and lonely cat.

    • Hi Baby Girl! You have asked a very similar question earlier this week. I must say you are very persistent. My answer remains the same as it was then. I don't know how old you are, but it sounds like to me you are not using your listening ears when your mom says no. I think now more than ever that you need to volunteer at some kind of animal shelter. If a no answer is hard for you to accept, I believe that the responsibility of another animal would be too much.

    • Cats do not easily accept strange cats into their territory. If you get a new kitten, it may be six months or even more before it becomes part of the family. It will not be a playmate for your other cats. It will be an under weight sparring partner. Sometimes cats will never accept a new cat into the house and this is so sad for all of the, It does not seem to make much difference if the cats are male or female or even if they have been neutered. They just do not want new cats around. I would suggest that you just buy your cats some toys and Cat-Nip .

    • If the 2 you have aren't happy, adding another 1 will make things worse. Not to mention, Mom says no- period. P.S. If your cats aren't spayed/ neutered, do so ASAP. Hormones can definitely add to the problem.

    • I have 3 cats. One is lazy, one is a lover, and one is fiesty. They don't necessarily get along with one another. Cats are pretty independent creatures. They are also a lot of work. A lot of dirty litterboxes. A lot of fur everywhere--on my clothes, on the floor, on the kitchen counter. You need to ask yourself, do you really want another kitty for your cat or for you?