How do I help my cat adjust to the move?

I recently moved across the country, now that I am here my cat is having a hard time adjusting. He isn't eating or going to the bathroom. He does ocassionally, little bits, but very few and far between.He is a bit skiddish, but is atleast not hiding…

    How do I help my cat adjust to the move?

    I recently moved across the country, now that I am here my cat is having a hard time adjusting. He isn't eating or going to the bathroom. He does ocassionally, little bits, but very few and far between.He is a bit skiddish, but is atleast not hiding…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I help my cat adjust to the move?...

    • How do I help my cat adjust to the move?

      How do I help my cat adjust to the move? Other Pet Discussions
      I recently moved across the country, now that I am here my cat is having a hard time adjusting. He isn't eating or going to the bathroom. He does ocassionally, little bits, but very few and far between.He is a bit skiddish, but is atleast not hiding anymore, he spends his entire day sleeping on our bed. Occasionally he gets up wonders a little bit, looks out the window, eats a tiny bit and goes back to sleeping.How can I help him adjust better to his knew environment so he eats and plays more?He has gone to the bathroom since moving, I can't tell how often he pees but he is pooing only about once every other day to every two days. He use to go EVERY DAY and often times twice a day.I have been giving him treats and he likes that, but he hasn't even been enjoying his wet food he loves.

      How do I help my cat adjust to the move?

      How do I help my cat adjust to the move? Other Pet Discussions
    • go to vet, pet store, or pet adoption place, they will have better answers. my cat is a ferrel kitty, born in the shelter, and when we adopted her 1 1/2 yrs ago, she was skiddish. she still is, and wont let 2/3 of the house pet her, but she is still cute.

    • If your cat has not gone to the bathroom since you have moved, take him to the vet immediately! Just give your cat time and he will come around. Be extra affectionate and offer him some treats like deli meats or canned tuna.

    • We just recently moved across the country too and our cats had a hard time adjusting. You really cant do anything to help him out. He's going to have to get used to it on his own. It took our cats about 2-3 weeks to get used to their new home. I would just give him a little extra attention but dont worry, he'll get used to it!

    • The best thing is to limit the space you give them. Put the kitty in a confined area like the bathroom or bedroom and let them get 100% comfy. Once he/she is comfy then extend the area to include the hallway, the kitchen, the living room. Be sure to take time to play with the kitty - just you and her/him - let the kitty know that he/she is your #1 priority and that will help.

    • He has to take time to acquaint himself with the new smells. Some of the smells "smell like home" but most of them--especially stuff like the new carpet--don't. Maybe you should put something like his favorite toy or blanket (that has not been washed) near the food. Or put the food in the area he seems the most secure. You should gauge the adjustment period to something like the adjustment period when you first got him. I hope that helps!

    • It sounds yucky, but when I moved with my cat I kept his food, water and litter box in my bedroom. He hid under my bed while I was at work and only came out when I sat on the bed. He ate, drank and did his business in the bedroom. Soon he felt comfortable and ventured out into the rest of the apartment. I then moved his food, water and litter box to their appropriate spots. As long as he is drinking and eating a little he will be OK. Give him time.

    • The best thing to do when you move to a new place is to just totally leave the cat alone. Don't go looking for it, call for it, anything. I kept this up for a week. I've done this with my cat all 3 times we've moved. She's done just fine.