what is the best way to stop my maltese shih tzu from jumping on people?

I have a maltese shih tzu 16 months old. He continuously jumps on people when he sees them and gets very excited I have tried saying NO in a sturn voice but does not seem to help he still continues to do it can anybody help me please. He also gets very…

    what is the best way to stop my maltese shih tzu from jumping on people?

    I have a maltese shih tzu 16 months old. He continuously jumps on people when he sees them and gets very excited I have tried saying NO in a sturn voice but does not seem to help he still continues to do it can anybody help me please. He also gets very…...
    Other Pet Discussions : what is the best way to stop my maltese shih tzu from jumping on people?...

    • what is the best way to stop my maltese shih tzu from jumping on people?

      what is the best way to stop my maltese shih tzu from jumping on people? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a maltese shih tzu 16 months old. He continuously jumps on people when he sees them and gets very excited I have tried saying NO in a sturn voice but does not seem to help he still continues to do it can anybody help me please. He also gets very very excited when he sees people how can I control this thank you to anyone who can help me I live in melbourne victoria can anybody tell me of any good training books available out there thank you.

      what is the best way to stop my maltese shih tzu from jumping on people?

      what is the best way to stop my maltese shih tzu from jumping on people? Other Pet Discussions
    • ok. Here are two methods that worked for me. A tin can with dry beans in it. Every time it happens, shake the can loudly and say in a firm voice "NO!". Then attempt it again. Any time the dog DOESN"T jump give the dog a fave treat. the other is a last resort thing. Roll up a section of newspaper and lightly tap the dogs nose, aying "no" firmly. I do not recommend stressing punishment, but reward. Positive reinforcement is the key here, not punishment.

    • i read in a dog training book to put him on a leash and when people come or get closer you should step on his leash and leave his leash just long enough to sit or stand next to you and not let go of it until he calms down. This should work I guess.

    • Dogs jump on you to get your attention. The suggestion about stepping on the leash is correct, but there's more to it than that. Talking to it and pushing it off is just rewarding it for jumping on you. First, teach the dog to "sit" on command. Then any time it comes near you, tell it to sit, bend over and pet it so that it doesn't have to jump on you. Now, have it do the same thing with your friends and visitors.