How many times do I have to take my dog out?

I don't have a dog yet, but i am planning on getting one. so i was just wondering how many times a day I would have to take it would he let me know when he has to go?

    How many times do I have to take my dog out?

    I don't have a dog yet, but i am planning on getting one. so i was just wondering how many times a day I would have to take it would he let me know when he has to go?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How many times do I have to take my dog out?...

    • Puppies have to go every two to four hours until they learn to control the muscles. Then at least twice a day. I prefer 3 times.

    • If you are getting a puppy under the age of 6 months you must take it out after it wakes up from naps and after meals. This helps with housebreaking. Dogs this age do not have full control of their bladder and bowels. If you are getting a dog that is older than a year old and deemed "housebroken" once every 4-6 hours should be fine.

    • tons of times a day at first unless you want to clean up after it after it does it's doody on your floors and carpets.Every 1-2 hours is what I've had to do. Even then they wait and do the nasty in the house.Persistance and Consitance is the keys

    • He would let you know when he has to "go". trust me. he will be restless and try to get your attention more often. also, avoid feeding your dog store brand food as lack of certain vitamins may make your dog have to "go" more often.

    • You have to know after few times, he would not talk to you about it but you can easily know, trust me. Try to take your loving dog, after you get one, out in the morning and after work in the evening before bed time. The Dogs are very smart that they can calculate approx. time of when you will be back from work, they will hold their dudu (shit) until you come back and walk them out. Not all dogs but most ones i have seen!Once they know the routines, they will work with you and y'all will have no problem at all. Good luck with getting one, but make sure all the shorts are given to the dog before you take him/her home.