When or at what age can you start feeding your dog or puppy K9 Super Fuel and Show Stopper?

I Have a 7 month old dog and was just wondering.

    When or at what age can you start feeding your dog or puppy K9 Super Fuel and Show Stopper?

    I Have a 7 month old dog and was just wondering....
    Other Pet Discussions : When or at what age can you start feeding your dog or puppy K9 Super Fuel and Show Stopper?...

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    • When or at what age can you start feeding your dog or puppy K9 Super Fuel and Show Stopper?

      When or at what age can you start feeding your dog or puppy K9 Super Fuel and Show Stopper? Other Pet Discussions
      I Have a 7 month old dog and was just wondering.

      When or at what age can you start feeding your dog or puppy K9 Super Fuel and Show Stopper?

      When or at what age can you start feeding your dog or puppy K9 Super Fuel and Show Stopper? Other Pet Discussions
    • I cannot recommend feeding any of the commercial varieties of meat-flavored baked paste with chemicals added, or the canned versions thereof. Instead, why not feed your dog actual food? The dog’s natural diet is raw meat on the bone. Try it. The dog will love it, the diet will help him teethe properly as a pup, keep his teeth clean the rest of his life, satisfy his lifelong need to chew and results in innocuous feces.http://www.rawmeatybones.com/ http://preymodelraw.com/how-to-get-started/http://www.rawfed.comhttp://www.rawfeddogs.nethttp://www.rawfeeding.nethttp://www.rawlearning.comhttp://blacksheepcardigans.com/ruff/raw-diet/http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/groups.rawfeeding/The basic idea is to approximate a wild diet as closely as possible; raw meat on the bone and small amounts of organ meat [liver is most important, but also kidneys, pancreas, spleen, lungs and what is called green tripe]. Amount to feed is calculated as 2-3% of the dog's ideal adult body weight. Your veterinarian can help you estimate that; then you just do the math. You don’t have to be exact; all amounts are to be averaged over a week or two. Dogs [not toys or puppies] that get big, complicated meals sometimes will eat for two days and then not again for five. All perfectly normal.Most raw feeders that I've read have started their dogs on chicken: it is readily available and inexpensive, plus it is antibiotic- and hormone-free. The fat content is easy to control by how much of the skin you remove. No grain, vegetable or fruit is a significant part of a grey wolf's diet. Dogs are genetically grey wolves.Besides being unnatural, lately it is becoming more and more clear that commercial dog foods simply are not safe:http://www.truthaboutpetfood.com/articles/various-private-label-pet-food-recalls-due-to-aflatoxin.html/

    • You can give them any time, My mentor started her puppies on it at 8 weeks and was already giving it to the mom.@Jenny, not everyone has the time or resources for raw-feeding. Meat for me is nearly $2 a lb for basic chicken where I live, so I feed TOTW instead. No need to make people feel bad for feeding kibble.