What is the best way to train a 7 month old dog?

i mainly want to train her to come because at times she runs towards the street and when I call her she thinks of it as a game and takes off...other tricks and obedience she does well just the come command is a pain!

    What is the best way to train a 7 month old dog?

    i mainly want to train her to come because at times she runs towards the street and when I call her she thinks of it as a game and takes off...other tricks and obedience she does well just the come command is a pain!...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best way to train a 7 month old dog?...

    • What is the best way to train a 7 month old dog?

      What is the best way to train a 7 month old dog? Other Pet Discussions
      i mainly want to train her to come because at times she runs towards the street and when I call her she thinks of it as a game and takes off...other tricks and obedience she does well just the come command is a pain!

      What is the best way to train a 7 month old dog?

      What is the best way to train a 7 month old dog? Other Pet Discussions
    • find info on the various subject on the internet. Better buy a book Best invest in training classes. if you want a book check out my zlio store link belowif you want internet resources check my blogspot and also use teh google search tool or links from my blog. If you want training classes ask your vet for what would be best or check with petsmart or local yellow pages. good luck. calm persistence and rewards work wonders. being a pack leader works wonders too.

    • The cheapest way:Buy a dog training book, and some kind of treats. Do as the book says, and you will have an decently trained dog in no time.The nicest way:Use only positive reanforcement. Your dog will eventually do tricks, and will love you for life.The easiest way:Hire a trainer. Thats it. Cost alot of money though.The most effective way:Use a shock collar, or some kind of punishing devise. Your relationship with your dog may suffer.Comprimise:Use dog treats, take a puppy training course with your dog, and use harsh words when necessary. Takes work, but stick with it.

    • Go to a independent dog training class. Don't go to PetSmart and Petco for classes because you just practice in the store and not outside like a park. Dogs act totally different outdoors than indoors.

    • puppy class or u could go online and see some video on youtube. they will show you how to train her to come when she is call. teaching her her name is very important. you might want to have her on the leash most of the time until she knows the word 'come'. whenever she is running to you when called, give her a treat. eventually she will know that everytime you call her, she will get rewarded. it shouldn't take too long for a puppy to learn.

    • enroll in a petsmart class. it's about 6 weeks for 100 bucks. and if your pup DOESNT pass they let you do the classes again for free. they'll help with all basic obedience plus it's a great way to get your pup socialized. :]

    • When dogs fail to come when called their behavior falls into one of two categories: active or passive disobedience. With passive disobedience, the dog doesn't come and it isn't doing much else besides. Instead it simply stands, sits or lies down and watches its owner call. Either the dog is apprehensive of approaching (a major temperament emergency), or it fails to see the relevance of the owner's request and simply can not be bothered (a minor training emergency). With active disobedience, however, not only does the dog not come, but also, it has a darn good time not coming. This is a major training emergency.Here's how to train her http://tinyurl.com/5nsevd

    • Please don't use a shock collar. The dog is still a puppy. Defiantly get a basic book about basic commands. Get a proper fitting choker chain, a 6 foot lead and a 15 foot lead. To sit the dog put the training chain on and 6 foot lead. Say sit and gently place your hands over the hip bone press gently down and sit her. When the dog sits praise her. Do this again over and over for 5 minutes a day till the dog gets it.Then move on to Stay. To execute the stay command sit the dog. Say stay and put your hand in front of the the dogs face step in front of the dog. When the dog gets up pull the lead up to stop it( GENTLY) When you pull the lead for a correction say NO loudly with authority. Sit the dog again then put your hand in front of the dog and say Stay( with authority)Keep practicing for 5 minutes a day. As the dog gets older your can practice longer. To teach the dog to come She has to master sit and stay first. When the dog learns stay keeping your hand out for the stay command Step back 3 steps Repeating Stay as you step back. Then on the third step point down to you and say Come Heir. Tug the lead ambit. When the dogs comes praise him or her with a cheerful pleasant tone. Pet her and tell her good dog ect... you'll have to practice. Be patient. As the dog masters to stay and come heir at three steppes then go back 6 steps,after six use the 15 foot lead and get getting further and further away. After the dog masters 15 feet start practicing off lead at short distances and in your home. A basic coarse in obideance should run about 100.00 for the entire set of classes. Any more is a rip off. Good luck Tracyann

    • You need to know the right techniques to train your dog to stop unnecessary behavior. Put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog behavior problems! ...AND slash your dog obedience training time in half by using techniques that give you immediate results. Learn about Dog Obedience Training Secrets to STOP Your Dog’s Behavior Problems! visit http://dogscorner.great-discovery.com/