How do you deal with a crazy kitten?

I love my new kitten but sometimes she is out of control. She climbs the screen to our slider door, all the way to the top. She also is starting to scratch the furniature. I have tried the old squirt her with water but she likes it and thinks its a game.…

    How do you deal with a crazy kitten?

    I love my new kitten but sometimes she is out of control. She climbs the screen to our slider door, all the way to the top. She also is starting to scratch the furniature. I have tried the old squirt her with water but she likes it and thinks its a game.…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you deal with a crazy kitten?...

    • How do you deal with a crazy kitten?

      How do you deal with a crazy kitten? Other Pet Discussions
      I love my new kitten but sometimes she is out of control. She climbs the screen to our slider door, all the way to the top. She also is starting to scratch the furniature. I have tried the old squirt her with water but she likes it and thinks its a game. I understand she is just playing but I cant have her ruin everything. Any ideas on teaching her not to do that?

      How do you deal with a crazy kitten?

      How do you deal with a crazy kitten? Other Pet Discussions
    • Sounds like you've been playing with her too much....Buy some spray to stop her going up the curtains.And break the cycle, play with her but know when to stop

    • Kittens are going to be crazy from time to time. It is what kittens do. I mean human children are much more destructive, you just learn to deal with it. I'm not sure what you can do about the screen door climbing. But you can prevent her from scratching the furniture by giving her stratchings posts and put them near the furniture at first and then gradually put them where ever you want.

    • there's not much you can do until they are older, and even then all you can do is hope they stop on their own. i had an abused kitten once, and he would bite and scratch the hell out of anyone who pet him for a while. we had to get rid of it after a couple of weeks.

    • YES!!!!!!We have a cat and he is not a kitten but his idea of playing is scratching and biting you. We went to our new PETSMART store and found some tips that you put on their nails, they work WONDERFUL and he doesn't mind them. This was an alternative to having him declawed. Check it out!they are called Soft Claws Nail Caps....go to their web

    • This kitty wants to go outside! Take her out on leash, see if you can and wear her out walking around! She has a lot energy and needs to have an outlet for it! Find a toy she can't get enough of, or have her chase something until she is worn out!It is just learning the world and apparently she has had enough of exploring the world around her. Give her a new place to explore and see if that helps.A bored animal of any kind is a destructive animal!

    • you can get things at the pet store that are sticky, they stick to furniture and stuff but cats don't like them cause their paws stick. try sticking them on your furniture and screens for a while, your cat should realize that she doesn't like them and stay away then you can take them off. it worked for my kitten

    • I had a kitten like that,Fact is he's nine years old now, I would take him on the back porch and after a while he would go bonkers, climbing the screens, running around like his tail was on fire and the look on his face was as though he was a thousand miles away and making all kinds of squeaky noises. The only thing I can say is stick with him, he will eventually grow out of it. I also had many toys for him out there but when the urge came it didn't matter.