How do I make a new kitten feel more at home?

I'm getting a ragdoll kitten in 9 days. I'm really nervous. What are some things to help the kitten feel more at home. Also I'm going to an all day (well 8:30-4:00) program 9 days after I get the cat, what are some ways to stop it from getting…

    How do I make a new kitten feel more at home?

    I'm getting a ragdoll kitten in 9 days. I'm really nervous. What are some things to help the kitten feel more at home. Also I'm going to an all day (well 8:30-4:00) program 9 days after I get the cat, what are some ways to stop it from getting…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I make a new kitten feel more at home?...

    • let the kitten have some time alone for two days, make sure u show it were the bathroom is!wen the kitten warms up to you give it attention!& wen u r gone, it is always best to have another cat companion around! get it a scratching post, & if i scratchesthe couches, put cat nip on the post!!it works!! just make sure u get all of the cat nip off or else the cat will go bonkers!!i could tell u more if u want!

    • I have a Ragdoll that we got as a kitten. Contrary to what some have posted on here, the Ragdoll does get more lonely then other cat breeds, but it shouldn’t be affected while you are gone. Be prepared for the kitten to be scared and try not to do too much to it when you first get it. It will be scared of its’ new environment. A good idea is to limit its’ area for the first day and not give it full run of the house. Make sure you have a litterbox, fresh food that your cat is used too, and water. Soon enough your Ragdoll will be vying for your attention all day!

    • get a rat terria i have one it will be 1 years old i got the kitten and the puppy about the same time paris the kitten (cat ) now :) and dutches the puppy will be 1 in august they lay in the dog crate and cleans one another its so cute they both females they lay there together cleaning washing your kitten wont be lonely lol....

    • plenty of toys mix them in and out give them something to sit on to look outside, they like laying is boxes so give it its own box and place in different areas of the house every couple days so its a new routine