What can i do if my dog starts choking on something?

Now and then my dog will gag/cough while she is chewing on a bone...trying to eat the whole thing at once. I was wondering what i needed to do if she started really choking on something.Just to make things a little more clear....i mean raw bones, not…

    What can i do if my dog starts choking on something?

    Now and then my dog will gag/cough while she is chewing on a bone...trying to eat the whole thing at once. I was wondering what i needed to do if she started really choking on something.Just to make things a little more clear....i mean raw bones, not…...
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    • What can i do if my dog starts choking on something?

      What can i do if my dog starts choking on something? Other Pet Discussions
      Now and then my dog will gag/cough while she is chewing on a bone...trying to eat the whole thing at once. I was wondering what i needed to do if she started really choking on something.Just to make things a little more clear....i mean raw bones, not cooked!

      What can i do if my dog starts choking on something?

      What can i do if my dog starts choking on something? Other Pet Discussions
    • By bone, do you mean a raw bone or a cooked one ?Here's the thing...A raw bone can be very good for your dogs teeth...It's tough, like your dogs teeth...It will clean his teeth..A cooked bone is very fragile and can splinter very easily...Please don't let your dog have cooked bones as they can literally kill him, o.k. ?

    • You would give her the Heimlich just like you would do a human.I dont know if I can describe how in text form but: I will use my dog as reference, "cmere daisy!"Placing both thumbs on either side of her lower spine your fingers should rest just below her rib cage.now using an upwards motion you press your fingers up and forwards, you'll hear air come out if you are doing it right. do this 3-4 times and then check her wind pipe for any blockage, this is the tricky part, dogs teeth are sharper than humans, especially if they are distressed you may get bitten.Rinse and repeat until blockage has been removed.I hope this helps

    • All pet owners should be familiar with the Heimlich maneuver. http://www.spca.org/site/DocServer/PIC-Heimlich_Maneuver_for_Dogs-English.pdf?docID=2605Contact your local humane society. They may offer free seminars on first aid.

    • First of all, please stop giving your dog bones that will break and/or splinter when being chewed on and swallowed. This would include chicken bones and fish bones.The best thing to to is to stick your finger down your dog's throat if you see that your dog is choking. This will cause the dog's gag reflex to start working and push the obstruction out of the dog's throat.You can also perform the Heimlich maneuver on the dog, but I don't recommend this without taking an instructional class because you might accidentally crush or break the dog's ribs. One more option is the put the dog over the top part of a chair and CAREFULLY press down on the dog's chest. The dog might be able to expel the obstruction in it's throat that way, too.

    • oh. the answer below is incorrect. a raw bone is bad for a dog because of the blood on it. it'll mess up a dog's stomach. when you make beef ribs you can give ur dog the bone. it helps with their teeth.well a lot of dogs cough and gag. but if she tends to be choking on something, you can do the hindback maneuver like we do with humans. except in their little chest. or be brave and be careful when u stick your hand in her mouth.

    • Do you know how to do the Heimlich maneuver on a person? You know, the rapid pressing of a fist from behind into the abdomen just under the diaphragm to force air out of the lungs to hopefully expel the blockage? Well, it works just as well on dogs except you have to hold you hands a bit differently, slightly lower on the abdomen. The key is to get below the diaphragm so you can apply pressure to force air out. Find the bottom of the rib cage and go a little further down, use a fist just as you would do on a person. This will work on any animal where the diaphragm is located at the base of the rib cage at the top of the abdomen. If you do NOT know how to do the Heimlich maneuver, LEARN! And if you do not know how to perform CPR, LEARN! It isn't hard to learn either technique, and it might just come in handy someday...