How do I convince my mom to buy a puppy?

How Do I convince my mom to buy me a puppy? I've tried everything and I need some anwsers.

    How do I convince my mom to buy a puppy?

    How Do I convince my mom to buy me a puppy? I've tried everything and I need some anwsers....
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    • How do I convince my mom to buy a puppy?

      How do I convince my mom to buy a puppy? Other Pet Discussions
      How Do I convince my mom to buy me a puppy? I've tried everything and I need some anwsers.

      How do I convince my mom to buy a puppy?

      How do I convince my mom to buy a puppy? Other Pet Discussions
    • Make good grades, clean up your room and do your chores.If you're responsible enough maybe you really have the commitment to properly take care of an animal. It takes specially more care for an energetic young puppy. They're not stuffed animals.

    • First convince her that you are responsible and able to take care of things without her help, THEN approach her when she is in a good mood. "Impress her and then lay it on 'er!" :)

    • Having a puppy comes with alot of responsibilities. It takesmoney to take care of a puppy. I bought me two puppies and it takes alot of work. They need to be potty trained, takento the vet to get shots every month, money to buy dogfood, bathe every two-three weeks. Puppies like to chew on furniture and shoes. they need raw hide bones and treats. A vet bill will cost over 100 dollars. That's for one dog.You have even more work when they grow up. You got to trimtheir nails and cut their hair. Know what products to buyfor them when they get older. Do you have puppy money?That's probably why your mother hasn't got you one. Toomuch responsibilities.

    • You might want to make sure your answer is right before you call someone stupid. Your answer is wrong. You don't even have to do the math to know it is wrong.As far as convincing your mom...Try negotiating with her. Parents are usually more likely to go along with something if you work for it.

    • You have to prove to your mom that you can handle it. Puppies need a lot of attention, care, and training. Potty training a puppy takes A LOT of time. Your mom just probably afriad that she will be ditched with all of the responcibilities. Dogs are a lifetime comentment. You have to do your research and thing it through. Here are some things to think about:You have to pay for food, leashes, collars, vet bills, shots, neutering, bathing, nail clipping, brushing hair, playing with the dog, taking them out often, more vet visits if something happens, vaccines, meds to prevent illness, toys, potty training, socializing, etc etc. The list goes on. You need to be mentally prepared and financially prepared. Dogs/pets cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars a year.What if you go away on vacation, who is going to care for the dog? Kennels are expensive. You have to make sure you have plans for your dog before you make plans for yourself, because there are going to be times when you are not going to be able to bring your dog with you on a trip.I am not sure how old you are, but what about school? What if you go off to college, who is going to care for the dog.Who is going to be home to let the dog out? Are you going to wake up in the wee hours of the night if he suddenly needs to go out?A dog is like having a young child. You are tied down to it and have to put its needs first.With no pets you get to be spontaneous and do things on a moments notice. With pets, you can't. You have to be home to let them out or be home to make sure they are taken of, have food and water, etc.These are things to think about.Puppies are cute and sweet, BUT THEY ARE NOT PUPPIES FOREVER.PUPPIES grow into DOGS...