What is the best way to house train my chihuahua puppy?

Lovey is 8 weeks and a very intelligent dog, she has puppy pads down in the kitchen and bathroom. neither myself nor my boyfriend have ever owned a dog before.

    What is the best way to house train my chihuahua puppy?

    Lovey is 8 weeks and a very intelligent dog, she has puppy pads down in the kitchen and bathroom. neither myself nor my boyfriend have ever owned a dog before....
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best way to house train my chihuahua puppy?...

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    • What is the best way to house train my chihuahua puppy?

      What is the best way to house train my chihuahua puppy? Other Pet Discussions
      Lovey is 8 weeks and a very intelligent dog, she has puppy pads down in the kitchen and bathroom. neither myself nor my boyfriend have ever owned a dog before.

      What is the best way to house train my chihuahua puppy?

      What is the best way to house train my chihuahua puppy? Other Pet Discussions
    • Take the dog out first thing in the morning, right before bed, right after playing or eating, and then anytime she looks like she needs to go. At 8 weeks she can't hold it more than 2 or 3 hours. When you go out, don't take her back in until she has done her business, then give her lots of praise when she does. Don't punish her if you find an accident in the house- she won't understand why you're mad.

    • install a tiny doggy door leading to a small fenced area. make it small so you can cover it to keep the puppy safe. take the "door" part off until the dog likes going in and out then put it back. dogs prefer outside when they can get to it by themselves.

    • She sounds gorgeous!The key to potty training puppies is CONSISTENCY! You need to provide a routine for your puppy to be happy, healthy and well adjusted. They're like babies really - welcome to parenthood!Check out http://www.advice-on-pet-care-and-pet-product-supplies-online.com - they have some excellent, in-depth advice on dealing with dogs - specially new puppies. They also have a photo gallery where you can post a picture of your new baby!

    • hartz puppy pads. and also every time you feed her take her to the potty pad. i have a box that i put a potty pad in when eva would finish eating i put her in the box until she used the bath room after a week of this i removed the box and just used the pad eva was fully potty trained at 5 weeks of age.

    • We used the puppy pads too. They worked great. There is a spray you can buy to make them want to go there. I think the trick is to keep them somewhat confined with the pads until they start catching on.Not confined at all times, but, now and then so they can potty.DONT TRY MAKING THEM GO OUTSIDE AND USE THE PADS AT THE SAME TIME. iT WILL ONLY CONFUSE THEM.