How can I tell if one of my cats is deaf?

A year ago I got two female cats. They are very well behaved, but lately one of them has stopped coming when I call her. Even when she is in the house she won't come for feeding.

    How can I tell if one of my cats is deaf?

    A year ago I got two female cats. They are very well behaved, but lately one of them has stopped coming when I call her. Even when she is in the house she won't come for feeding....
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I tell if one of my cats is deaf?...

    • How can I tell if one of my cats is deaf?

      How can I tell if one of my cats is deaf? Other Pet Discussions
      A year ago I got two female cats. They are very well behaved, but lately one of them has stopped coming when I call her. Even when she is in the house she won't come for feeding.

      How can I tell if one of my cats is deaf?

      How can I tell if one of my cats is deaf? Other Pet Discussions
    • when i first got my cat jeordie she had blockage in her ears and we got them cleaned and she was able to hear.They have cat ear wipes at petsmart,much cheaper then the vet visit.But if its serious maybe you should take em in.

    • To answer your question about how to tell if a cat is deaf, it's very simple. We do this all the time at our hospital:When she is sitting at the window totally engrossed in something, or is sleeping, or is otherwise not aware of your presence, slam a heavy book closed, clap loudly or ring a loud bell. Be sure NOT to touch her or let the breeze from the book blow on her. If she jumps or flicks her ears or responds in some clear way, she can hear to at least some degree. Cats can also be deaf in only one ear. This is common with odd-eyed cats, especially those cats with one blue eye and one "other-colored" eye. The blue-eyed side may be deaf or impaired, but the other side (with the green or yellow eye) is usually not deaf.I would still have her checked by a vet to make sure she isn't sick. She could possibly have ear mites or an infection. These can cause hearing loss in a cat, sometimes permanent and sometimes temporary. DO NOT let her go outside AT ALL, especially if you suspect a hearing problem.

    • Probably the easiest way is to drop something loud onto a hard surface (such as the kitchen floor) when she is in the same room. If she notices it and reacts, chances are she isn't deaf.She could also just be plain cantankerous. As cats get older, they get pickier and moodier. My old cat would refuse to come into the house at night. Took a tiny piece of steak under the nose to coax him in.