How do I convince my parents into buying me a puppy?

I have promised them to do anything but they think our house is to small.

    How do I convince my parents into buying me a puppy?

    I have promised them to do anything but they think our house is to small....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I convince my parents into buying me a puppy?...

    • How do I convince my parents into buying me a puppy?

      How do I convince my parents into buying me a puppy? Other Pet Discussions
      I have promised them to do anything but they think our house is to small.

      How do I convince my parents into buying me a puppy?

      How do I convince my parents into buying me a puppy? Other Pet Discussions
    • Dogs do require lots of room to run around and play. If your parents think the house is too small, then it might be. It really isn't fair to the dog to be cooped up with no place to run around.

    • Dogs are a big responsibility and they need lots of room. Maybe they feel your not responsible enough yet to walk it all the time. You could always do some research. There are some dogs that are suited to older people as they don't need as much exercise maybe this sort would suit. Just remember one day you will have your own house and can get a dog then

    • puppies are a lot of work, expensive and messy. I was so happy when mine grew up. They are cute, but are trouble. If your parents say your house is too small, they are probably right. Try to adopt a mature dog from they are all rescue animals and are awesome. A more mature animal is a lot less upkeep and needs less room to run around and raise all kinds of he*&! You can get an old dog or a young adult dog on there and you will be saving a life also! Your parents will probably be impressed that you thought to check out a rescue rather than a pet store.

    • be a good girl clean room get good grades do chores give mom an extra massage show the ups that a dog can do like gard tell them that U will take care of it everything right or tell them that u willalso help pay for it aswel if u want yur choice

    • my advice is to show them how responsible you are. Start doing chores without being asked. Then when the issue gets brought up about the house, suggest a small dog and remind them that you will spend a lot of time outside and on walks with the dog to keep it healthy. good luck.

    • You will convince your parents by demonstrating that you are responsible, not by prominsing it. But, if your parents say that your house is too small, (I know this may be hard to believe).., but they may just be right! If you are trying to be a responsible pet owner, you may have to face the fact that you really aren't able to have a dog under your present circumstances. There are many other, smaller pets that are a lot of fun too.