What should you do if your puppy is reluctant to go outside to do his business?

He never was this way before. Now we have to carry him almost every time and when he's out there and put on the grass he just keeps trying to come back in. He also has been very reluctant to come out of his crate. We have a 4 month old Papillon.I also…

    What should you do if your puppy is reluctant to go outside to do his business?

    He never was this way before. Now we have to carry him almost every time and when he's out there and put on the grass he just keeps trying to come back in. He also has been very reluctant to come out of his crate. We have a 4 month old Papillon.I also…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What should you do if your puppy is reluctant to go outside to do his business?...

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    • What should you do if your puppy is reluctant to go outside to do his business?

      What should you do if your puppy is reluctant to go outside to do his business? Other Pet Discussions
      He never was this way before. Now we have to carry him almost every time and when he's out there and put on the grass he just keeps trying to come back in. He also has been very reluctant to come out of his crate. We have a 4 month old Papillon.I also wanted to point out that when I haven't picked him up and insisted that he walk outside, he has peed in the house or before he made it to his spot.

      What should you do if your puppy is reluctant to go outside to do his business?

      What should you do if your puppy is reluctant to go outside to do his business? Other Pet Discussions
    • a pappion?!?!? i have one of tghose they are really!!!smart!!!umm my guess s that it doesnt like it outside cuz of certain reasons. but you could help by standing out there with it or takeing a walk

    • Puppies go through phases and this could simply pass. In the mean time, begin his training and if possible join an obedience class. In have two Papillions in my present class. Take him outside and stay with him. Use a word (such as business or potty) and when he does his business, reward him with voice, petting and treat. He will catch on.

    • he is young. you have to be consistant & patient. get him on a schedule, leash him and get him outside. stay with him till he does his business, then praise him. why does he not want to come out of his crate? it sounds as though he is scared. has someone been impatient with him when he needed to go out?

    • Well you need to get him and yourself on a schedule. When you are training a puppy to go potty outside you have to take him out at the same times every day. Praise him when he goes outside and don't let the puppy own you. If you start to be a push over with the puppy then they will never listen to you.