How do you teach your new pup to pee at a certain area outside?

He's about 3 months. My mom has plants outside and she waters them, but doesn't want step in his poop. Any advice on how to get him to pee and poop away from the plants.Yeah, my sis picked it up today. We do it everyweek. But my mom makes us water the…

    How do you teach your new pup to pee at a certain area outside?

    He's about 3 months. My mom has plants outside and she waters them, but doesn't want step in his poop. Any advice on how to get him to pee and poop away from the plants.Yeah, my sis picked it up today. We do it everyweek. But my mom makes us water the…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you teach your new pup to pee at a certain area outside?...

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    • How do you teach your new pup to pee at a certain area outside?

      How do you teach your new pup to pee at a certain area outside? Other Pet Discussions
      He's about 3 months. My mom has plants outside and she waters them, but doesn't want step in his poop. Any advice on how to get him to pee and poop away from the plants.Yeah, my sis picked it up today. We do it everyweek. But my mom makes us water the plants now.

      How do you teach your new pup to pee at a certain area outside?

      How do you teach your new pup to pee at a certain area outside? Other Pet Discussions
    • Well, first you pick the spot then when you realize it may need to go, take it to that spot and put it down there. It may take some time so don't get frustrated right away. You will know that it needs to go to the bathroom when it tucks its tail in (as if scared) and/or starts barking at you.

    • Check out this site. It is a potty pen training method to teach your dog to only go in a certain area of the yard. Convenient for keeping young children out of the poop as well as the poop out of the garden.

    • Keep putting his poop in an area that you want him to use,eventualy he will use that area.As for hispee,its a little harder as it is a natural instinct for them to mark their teritory.If they escape and go for a wander,the pee long the way and it is a way of finding there way home.I have heard that putting plastic drink bottles with fresh water in them around the garden beds can deter them as they do not beleive in fouling fresh water.

    • every day but him the spot you want him to go then stay there and have him with you sit there until he goes and praise him and give him nd ear scrach also so each day he scrach and then when he gets older he knows oh when i go here i get a scrach and eventely he will go

    • If there is a spot that you take your dog to everytime you go on a walk, let him go there. Outside, keep your new dog on a leash when he wants to go outside and steer him to a specific spot everytime so he learns and gets used to where he goes.

    • Whenever you usually take your dog outside to do his/her business, take him to a spot wherever the garden isn't. Eventually, your dog will go out to that spot on his/her own. If your dog ever goes in the wrong spot, make sure your dog knows that he/she shouldn't. I'm not saying you should beat him/her, but give him a little scold like a loud no. Hope it helps!