What are some good convincing tips for getting your parents to let u have a kitten?

I'm trying to convince my dad to let me have a kitten, it's from my aunt.

    What are some good convincing tips for getting your parents to let u have a kitten?

    I'm trying to convince my dad to let me have a kitten, it's from my aunt....
    Other Pet Discussions : What are some good convincing tips for getting your parents to let u have a kitten?...

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    • What are some good convincing tips for getting your parents to let u have a kitten?

      What are some good convincing tips for getting your parents to let u have a kitten? Other Pet Discussions
      I'm trying to convince my dad to let me have a kitten, it's from my aunt.

      What are some good convincing tips for getting your parents to let u have a kitten?

      What are some good convincing tips for getting your parents to let u have a kitten? Other Pet Discussions
    • Kittens tend to be loving, low maintenance animals. Assure him you will keep it fed, watered and clean the litter pan daily. If they are fed a proper diet and brushed, they really don't shed much.

    • start sayin PLEASE!!! over n over again..soon he will get so0 tired of it that he will do anything just to make u shut up..so he will let u have the damn cat..

    • honey i got away with every thing when i was young listen so you really want this kittin just say dad i know you dont like cats but it would really make me a really happy kid if i had one i promise with all my heart i will take care of

    • Basicaly tell them that you'll do all the work, like cleaning the litterbox(unless it's an inside & outside cat)you'll get it all the supplies it needs just means you'll be fully responsible for our cat.

    • Well it looks like you already have a dog, do you take good care of him? How big is your house/apartment/trailer? Do you have room for another pet? Can your family afford to be taking another animal to the vet for shots and if the animal gets hurt or sick? Can your family afford to feed another animal and buy it cat toys, a cat condo, a scratching post, a litter box, litter box liners, and cat litter?All these things need to be taken into consideration before getting a new pet.

    • FOLLOW THESE STEPS.......................1) Ask your dad if you can have a kitten (Almost like it's the first time you asked)2) Of course, when he probably says no again, mope around for the rest of the day and act depressed and sad (if you act this out good, you can probably pull this off)3) Then, at the end of your "depressing" day, DO NOT go up to his face and ask him again becuz that will only annoy him. Instead, write him a very adult-like and meaningful letter saying that you know you are old enough and mature enough to handle the care of a cat. Also, add a few details like it would be a good lesson of responsability for you, and stuff like that.4) I know it may be hard, but don't mention anything about the letter or the kitten for about day or two, and up until then, don't act mad, kindof act a little dissappointed. But don't overdo it becuz then you will seem a little immature about it.5) After a good day or two of acting like step 4, finally bring it up to him slowly and maturely. But don't start off by asking him " CAN I HAVE THE KITTEN?", start off by saying "....Hey Dad....Did you read the letter I wrote you?" Then when he says "yes", immediately continue," Well did you understand what I was trying to tell you?" And then take it from there as responsibly as you can.~Well I hope that helps you. If you play it out just right, I think you have a good chance of getting that kitten. Good luck~

    • tell him if a mouse ever came in the house you wouldn't have to worry about it! And kittens are so easy to take care of .... they do need lots of love, and if he doesn't like the litter box thing.... train your cat to go out side in the yard or (clean it up afterwords) my 2 cats are "outdoor potty trained" they will meow at the door when they need to go out, like a dog... its not that hard, plus if you get a kitten you can train them just like you would with a dog, both of my cats are collar and leash trained. i take them for walks around the neighborhood lots., they love it. Good luck on getting one. I think everyone should have a cat, it makes people more happy and its been proved that having an animal helps people live longer, it helps our stress levels.

    • There are lots of very REAL reasons that children should have pets; to bolster self-esteem, to encourage socialization, to learn responsibility, and to reduce adult-hood allergies. The thing is though that your parents are ultimately responsible for the well-being of any of your pets. If they can't make the 'Plan B' commitment, I would not recommend you persue it.