How do you train your hamster to go to the toilet in the same place?

Hi how do you train hamsters to go to the toilet in the same place? Are hamster tolets a good idea?

    How do you train your hamster to go to the toilet in the same place?

    Hi how do you train hamsters to go to the toilet in the same place? Are hamster tolets a good idea?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you train your hamster to go to the toilet in the same place?...

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    • How do you train your hamster to go to the toilet in the same place?

      How do you train your hamster to go to the toilet in the same place? Other Pet Discussions
      Hi how do you train hamsters to go to the toilet in the same place? Are hamster tolets a good idea?

      How do you train your hamster to go to the toilet in the same place?

      How do you train your hamster to go to the toilet in the same place? Other Pet Discussions
    • Hamsters have a natural instinct to routinely hoard their food. If you consistently place their food in the same place, a hamster will naturally hoard its food in one corner and urinate/defecate in the opposite corner or opposite side of its enclosure. I do not recommend a toilet. It is a silly idea because the hamster will not understand the purpose of it; it's easier if you just allow your hamster to use a certain part of the cage for relieving itself. A toilet is a human invention created because we are extremely wimpy/sensitive about the smell of urine or faeces and we have overpopulated the planet to the point of needing a system to control our waste. Animals have no use for such a contraption and have no problem pooping directly onto the ground.