What are some good veggies to feed a parakette?

What veggies are good or BAD to feed a parakette? My bird does not eat fruit, any suggestions?

    What are some good veggies to feed a parakette?

    What veggies are good or BAD to feed a parakette? My bird does not eat fruit, any suggestions?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What are some good veggies to feed a parakette?...

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    • What are some good veggies to feed a parakette?

      What are some good veggies to feed a parakette? Other Pet Discussions
      What veggies are good or BAD to feed a parakette? My bird does not eat fruit, any suggestions?

      What are some good veggies to feed a parakette?

      What are some good veggies to feed a parakette? Other Pet Discussions
    • The best vegetables you can give your birds are fresh herbs (basil, lavender, thyme, rosemary etc). Other greens like dandelion leaves, rocket, carrot, spinach iceberg are also good. Go easy on the lettuce and celery as they have a large water content. If the vegetables are not organic, wash thoroughly. It is a good idea to soak the vegetables for a few hours first and then clean thoroughly to get rid of any pesticides which are fatal for birds.NEVER give your bird cabbage or potato as they are indigestible or avocado, which is toxic to a bird's system.