How do I get my dog to poop somewhere new?

My dog will not poop/pee on our long walks. The minute we get home, she will do both in my backyard. I think her former owner had her trained to do this. How do I train her to go on the walks instead so my lawn is not destroyed?

    How do I get my dog to poop somewhere new?

    My dog will not poop/pee on our long walks. The minute we get home, she will do both in my backyard. I think her former owner had her trained to do this. How do I train her to go on the walks instead so my lawn is not destroyed?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my dog to poop somewhere new?...

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    • How do I get my dog to poop somewhere new?

      How do I get my dog to poop somewhere new? Other Pet Discussions
      My dog will not poop/pee on our long walks. The minute we get home, she will do both in my backyard. I think her former owner had her trained to do this. How do I train her to go on the walks instead so my lawn is not destroyed?

      How do I get my dog to poop somewhere new?

      How do I get my dog to poop somewhere new? Other Pet Discussions
    • Some dogs prefer to poop or pee on their own yard. My dog does the same thing and he wasn't trained that way. Why would you want the dog to go on the walks? Either way you have to clean it up?? Hopefully you will, I would be an angry neighbor if you didn't.

    • You should try to take your dog somewhere where you want it to "go" and say, "Go go go!" until she "goes" and then give her a treat. Next time she looks like she has to "go" (she'll start sniffing around a lot), bring your delicous treats and do the same thing! repeat if desired. lol

    • My thoughts are with the 1st answer.. why are you worried about this? The fact that the dog holds it till she gets in her own yard is making things easier for you... unless you are a lazy irresponsible owner that doesn't clean up behind your dog! My advice, praise that dog and give her an extra treat!

    • I had a similar issue with my dog. Because dogs are creatures of habit, they will assume that the spot they normally releve themselves at is their "bathroom."The way we broke this habit was to place our dog in his crate until morning. After giving him water the night before, he needed to pee in the morning. Instead of letting him into the backyard (as we normally do) we took him on a walk and let nature take its course. After walking for 15 minutes and letting the pee build, he finally picked a tree and peed. We repeated this process for a few more days and by the next week, he was peeing regularily on the walk. Instead of marking, he went all at once (which helped)