How do I know if my baby apple snails are alive ?

They were in their hatch for almost 4 weeks and now it is broken they have like a red point in the middle their cover is already yellow but they look too dry.

    How do I know if my baby apple snails are alive ?

    They were in their hatch for almost 4 weeks and now it is broken they have like a red point in the middle their cover is already yellow but they look too dry....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I know if my baby apple snails are alive ?...

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    • How do I know if my baby apple snails are alive ?

      How do I know if my baby apple snails are alive ? Other Pet Discussions
      They were in their hatch for almost 4 weeks and now it is broken they have like a red point in the middle their cover is already yellow but they look too dry.

      How do I know if my baby apple snails are alive ?

      How do I know if my baby apple snails are alive ? Other Pet Discussions
    • Do you have them over water? I had the good fortune to watch some hatch years ago. I also got to see the mama lay the eggs one night, or I'm not sure I would have figured out what that weird bumpy blob was. I don't remember how long it took for them to develope, but as soon as the bottom of the cluster broke open they began to ooze out all together in mucus, slime, whatever you want to call it. It only took a few hours for all that made it out, to get out. As soon as they hit the water they started to crawl out of the slime and spread around the tank. They didn't all make it out, and the ones still inside were either already dead or died when the cluster dried out. If it is dry inside I'm pretty sure they're dead. They are really tiny. If they were where they could drop into water look closely, they're probably there. Hope so. Best of luck.