What was the original purpose for the developement of the dog breed Skipperkee?

I have a Skipperkee and of it's many interesting traits is an action he takes with stuffed toys that resemble squirrls or rodents. He grabs them by the back of the neck, gives them a sharp shake and deposits them against a wall. I believe this demeanor…

    What was the original purpose for the developement of the dog breed Skipperkee?

    I have a Skipperkee and of it's many interesting traits is an action he takes with stuffed toys that resemble squirrls or rodents. He grabs them by the back of the neck, gives them a sharp shake and deposits them against a wall. I believe this demeanor…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What was the original purpose for the developement of the dog breed Skipperkee?...

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    • What was the original purpose for the developement of the dog breed Skipperkee?

      What was the original purpose for the developement of the dog breed Skipperkee? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a Skipperkee and of it's many interesting traits is an action he takes with stuffed toys that resemble squirrls or rodents. He grabs them by the back of the neck, gives them a sharp shake and deposits them against a wall. I believe this demeanor is about rat catching and disposal. Thanks for any additional info. Marc Broussard, Groton Ma.

      What was the original purpose for the developement of the dog breed Skipperkee?

      What was the original purpose for the developement of the dog breed Skipperkee? Other Pet Discussions
    • The Schipperke was bred in Flanders by a canal boat captain named Renssens. Thought to be descended from the same sheep-herding stock as the black Belgian Sheepdog, the Schipperke was bred smaller and smaller and eventually became a different breed entirely. It became a favorite choice to guard canal barges in Belgium. In Flemish Schipperke means "Little Skipper", or "Little Captain". This being so, because the dogs were the "ratters", a very important function on a canal barge, and also usually the captain's dog. Hence, the name of the little skipper. The breed became very popular in Belgian households by the late 1800's. It first appeared at a dog show in 1880. From that point on it was exported throughout the world. Today he serves primarily as a companion dog. The Schipperke do very well on boats and people often get this breed to come along with them on boating and fishing trips. It makes a great guard dog when the boat anchors for the night, alerting of anything out of the ordinary and the dog thoroughly enjoys its trip.