How can I get rid of ringworms without going to the doctor?

Well I have these spots come up all over my back, chest and my feet. I've had them before when I was a kid. But I had insurance back then. Now, I can't afford to go to the doctor.So what can do about it? P.S. I have cats and I have been around other…

    How can I get rid of ringworms without going to the doctor?

    Well I have these spots come up all over my back, chest and my feet. I've had them before when I was a kid. But I had insurance back then. Now, I can't afford to go to the doctor.So what can do about it? P.S. I have cats and I have been around other…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I get rid of ringworms without going to the doctor?...

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    • How can I get rid of ringworms without going to the doctor?

      How can I get rid of ringworms without going to the doctor? Other Pet Discussions
      Well I have these spots come up all over my back, chest and my feet. I've had them before when I was a kid. But I had insurance back then. Now, I can't afford to go to the doctor.So what can do about it? P.S. I have cats and I have been around other peoples animals. But my cats our indoor cats. Thank You

      How can I get rid of ringworms without going to the doctor?

      How can I get rid of ringworms without going to the doctor? Other Pet Discussions
    • First why do think its ring worm? this time of year we do get allergy and have skin rash so best advice see a doctor explain to the you have money problems you may be surprised good luck

    • If you cannot afford a doctor, go to your local health department to get a diagnosis. It is never safe to diagnose yourself, and doing so can cause the problem to worsen. Health Departments generally charge based on income, and often do not charge at all.

    • I'm susceptible to ring worm and will almost always get it! Funny story, a vet told me how to get rid of it! He suggested I go to a pharmacy like CVS or Walmart and get a tube of Lamasil AT. It's the fungal killing cream. Ringworm is just a fungus. It should clear it up for you. I squirt some on me and then put a band-aid over it and change it as often as needed. But, remember, everyone is different. What works for me, might not work for you. Don't scratch it and wash your clothes and sheets so it doesn't spread. Please DON'T put Lamasil on your animals! I'm not sure how they would react. This website also backs up my fungi-killing lotion answer if you'd like to look it over. Hope it helps! Good luck! :) It's under What is the Treatment for Ringworm? It also has some good info about ringworm if you are interested!