What is the most you would spend on a surgical procedure for a pet?

We rescued a greyhound 2 years ago and he is a great dog, but he is a money pit. We have already paid for 2 surgeries and he is in need of another...I want to pay for it, but my husband says enough is enough. Where do most people draw the line?

    What is the most you would spend on a surgical procedure for a pet?

    We rescued a greyhound 2 years ago and he is a great dog, but he is a money pit. We have already paid for 2 surgeries and he is in need of another...I want to pay for it, but my husband says enough is enough. Where do most people draw the line?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the most you would spend on a surgical procedure for a pet?...

    • What is the most you would spend on a surgical procedure for a pet?

      What is the most you would spend on a surgical procedure for a pet? Other Pet Discussions
      We rescued a greyhound 2 years ago and he is a great dog, but he is a money pit. We have already paid for 2 surgeries and he is in need of another...I want to pay for it, but my husband says enough is enough. Where do most people draw the line?

      What is the most you would spend on a surgical procedure for a pet?

      What is the most you would spend on a surgical procedure for a pet? Other Pet Discussions
    • when the pet is in surgery more then living it isnt fair for the animal.Maybe you should consider it living out it's life as it is now.. or puttin it down..

    • That is a tough one! I guess you just have to decide what is best for your family's financial stability. I LOVE my dog, but there is only so much I could afford to do! I hope everything works out for you!!!

    • I've spent over $1,800 before for my cat after he ate Spanish Moss I was making doll hair out of. He was in ICU for 2 days with no guarantee he would live but he did until last August 19Th at the age of 18

    • if that dog is a member of your family and this procedure is a life saving one then, if i were you and had the funds money is no object.if i could not afford the surgery,then i would find a home for my dog,one that could afford to save his/her life.

    • That is a wonderful thing you have done. I used to work for the Greyhound track when I was young. Those dogs need as much love as you can give. The first question you have to ask is will this better the dogs life? If so for how long? Will another surgery be around the next corner? How old is the dog? Can he be kept comfortable for the rest of his life without this surgery? All of these questions must be addressed for you ta make an informed decision. If he is going to be plagued wiht these problems for life but he can be kept comfortable till the end with no more surgeries than that will for one be far cheaper andtwo kinder. If not than the humane thing to do is euthanasia. I know this is a VERY hard decision for you and it sounds as if ypur husband is just trying to deal with losing him to just in his own way. Not to be mean. Three surgeries in two years is alot for the dog and he's tired. Find out from the vet how long this will continue and go from there. Good luck and I'm sorry.

    • I wish the answer was clear cut, but I'm in the same boat as you. My kitty had to have surgery for bladder stones a little over a year ago. That set us back about a grand, which my husband wasn't very happy about. I'm afraid he's got them again, but between the diagnostic tests and office visit, it will cost a couple of hundred dollars just to diagnose him.I love Henry dearly, I've had him for almost 11 years, but I can't let our bills go unpaid to get another surgery for him. We're stretched pretty thin right now, otherwise it would be different. I hope you find your answer and I find mine. Good luck.

    • we are faced with this as well,,,i rescued a 10 hour old puppy from the owners that was going to drown her because she was born with a birth defect on her forehead,hense she wouldnt make them a dollar ( shes a full blooded german shepard),i took her to keep her alive through that weekend then in hopes of a agency taking her,,none would due to her age.BUT after taking care of her that weekend,i got attached and fell in love with her,we call her amy.it has been touch and go,last night her little claw nicked the mass on her head and i didnt think i could stop the bleeding,but i did 3 hours later and many many tears...today the vet told me amy would require a surgery in 5 weeks...am i going to pay??? YES!!!!she is now a family member.

    • Bless your heart. I understand how you feel. I'd want to pay for it too. I guess the thing you need to figure out is the quality of life. If he can live a quality life WITHOUT the surgery then let him. Make him as happy and comfortable as possible. But if this is a medical condition to where he will die in a few months without it then maybe your family should make him as comfortable as you can and when the time comes euthanize. It's easier said than done. I had a greyhound I had to put down last fall and it about killed me. She was old and had so many problems happening that it was more humane to let her go. I hope things work out for you.