How do you get rid if little air bubbles in a tank?

I have a 130 gallon tank with a sump, but there are miro bubbles that i get from the exteral pump in the sump. Is there any way to stop these bubbles?

    How do you get rid if little air bubbles in a tank?

    I have a 130 gallon tank with a sump, but there are miro bubbles that i get from the exteral pump in the sump. Is there any way to stop these bubbles?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you get rid if little air bubbles in a tank?...

    • How do you get rid if little air bubbles in a tank?

      How do you get rid if little air bubbles in a tank? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a 130 gallon tank with a sump, but there are miro bubbles that i get from the exteral pump in the sump. Is there any way to stop these bubbles?

      How do you get rid if little air bubbles in a tank?

      How do you get rid if little air bubbles in a tank? Other Pet Discussions
    • I'd live with it, micro bubbles are normally a sign of a healthy ph balanced tank. If the filter isnt operating correctly the buildup of waste (proteins etc) raises the surface tension of the bubbles which makes it harder for smaller ones to form, larger bubbles float to the surface more easily. Be proud of you small bubbles, it means you've got a crystal clear tank!

    • Your sump need a bubble baffle. What it does is to help get rid of bubble as the water from your tank enter the sump. Here is url that my explain what I'm talking about.