What is the youngest age for female dog to get pregnant?

I was just wondering what the youngest age for a dog to get pregnant because my female bully is going to be 6 months old their first heat comes around 6 or 7 months. I was just wondering because she's an outside dog and well If she was to get in heat and…

    What is the youngest age for female dog to get pregnant?

    I was just wondering what the youngest age for a dog to get pregnant because my female bully is going to be 6 months old their first heat comes around 6 or 7 months. I was just wondering because she's an outside dog and well If she was to get in heat and…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the youngest age for female dog to get pregnant?...

    • What is the youngest age for female dog to get pregnant?

      What is the youngest age for female dog to get pregnant? Other Pet Discussions
      I was just wondering what the youngest age for a dog to get pregnant because my female bully is going to be 6 months old their first heat comes around 6 or 7 months. I was just wondering because she's an outside dog and well If she was to get in heat and a male dog might go and get her pregnant? Would she get pregnant at such a young age? If so would she be ok?

      What is the youngest age for female dog to get pregnant?

      What is the youngest age for female dog to get pregnant? Other Pet Discussions
    • If she gets pregnant at this age, it can cause detrimental stress to her still growing bones and joints, which can cause problems later on. She's also at a higher risk for complications.She will likely reject the pups and they will either die or you will have to hand raise them.Spay her or bring her inside.

    • Unless you are a breeder (obviously you are not, just a concerned pet owner) then you should always spay or neuter you pet, especially if there is a chance of reproducing. (Too many homeless dogs). I would find a good vet (there are good vets out there with decent prices if this is a concern you just have to look hard enough) and getting her spayed at 6 months. Each dog is different but they can go into heat after 6 months of age and while this is young they can still get pregnant. It is not recommended they have a litter so young. Usually breeders wait until the dog is at least over a year, sometimes even two, and has gone through a couple heats. If your dog is supervised or is in a fenced in area when not supervised it is less likely a dog with be able to even get to her to get her pregnant.

    • If she is an "outside dog" when she comes in heat she WILL get pregnant. NO doubt about it. She is way too young, females should not be bred till they are two years old, been genetically tested and won titles....If you are going to force her to live out doors please, please for the love of shelter dogs everywhere, have her spayed!!!!

    • She is capable of breeding on her first heat. Is it good? NO - no dog should be breed before 2 yrs old, all genetic testing done and cleared, championship title and written permission from the breeder to breed her.Call your vet now and get her in quickly to be spayed. Then you won't have to worry about if she got pregnant at 6 months old. She is likely to need a c-section $1,500+) or not care for puppies or even kill them at her age.

    • GET HER SPAYED! It will eliminate unwanted litters and keep your dog much healthier. Dogs that are left to roam and get pregnant are the reason there are so many homeless dogs at animal shelters.

    • A dog can indeed become pregnant in their first heat. If she is outdoors she will likely be bred by multiple males. Having a litter at such a young age is not healthy for her. Everything she has will go into this litter and it will likely effect her development. She is still a puppy herself. She isn't done growing yet. To have a litter now would do nothing good for her health.Please get her spayed or keep her inside during her heat. A bytch in heat should only go outside on a leash with a responsible person for her to go to the bathroom.

    • Don't let her get pregnant when she is that young. If you don't know about breeding, puppy care etc. you should get her fixed. There are too many mixed breed dogs out there already.