Hamster will not chew on his woodchip and his teeth is starting to grow. Any ideas?

He use to chew on them, but I had to get a new pack and he will not chew and it's the exact same thing. I thought giving him tortilla chips would work but guess not. My genius mom wants to give him a rock to chew on but I think it's completely stupid.…

    Hamster will not chew on his woodchip and his teeth is starting to grow. Any ideas?

    He use to chew on them, but I had to get a new pack and he will not chew and it's the exact same thing. I thought giving him tortilla chips would work but guess not. My genius mom wants to give him a rock to chew on but I think it's completely stupid.…...
    Other Pet Discussions : Hamster will not chew on his woodchip and his teeth is starting to grow. Any ideas?...

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    • Hamster will not chew on his woodchip and his teeth is starting to grow. Any ideas?

      Hamster will not chew on his woodchip and his teeth is starting to grow. Any ideas? Other Pet Discussions
      He use to chew on them, but I had to get a new pack and he will not chew and it's the exact same thing. I thought giving him tortilla chips would work but guess not. My genius mom wants to give him a rock to chew on but I think it's completely stupid. Any ideas or suggestions?

      Hamster will not chew on his woodchip and his teeth is starting to grow. Any ideas?

      Hamster will not chew on his woodchip and his teeth is starting to grow. Any ideas? Other Pet Discussions
    • Some hamsters just don't like to chew on things like that, mine didn't. But as long as there is something there he will be fine. The animal knows when his teeth are getting too long, and he will fix it. No worries. They are actually pretty smart. :)

    • -carrots, vitamins and bulk-hay, bulk all the way!!!-apple wood, its a favorite-mineral chews, they're flavored and give mineralsIf you want to, take a look at any of these on www.petsmart.com and it will give you prices and reviews of each, so you can decide which one you want to try, and the reviews will be real people telling how they liked the product.

    • My rats got tired of their wood chews really fast but got really interested in their mineral ledge. Try different things.I did once use a block of cement to help keep the nails down, a rock isn't a horrible idea its free and you never know what the hamster will like.