Why does my male dog havent start to raise his legs when he urinates?

My tibetan terrier male puppy is 7 and a half monhs old now but he still havent raise his leg while he urinate?Does he still have more time for this?I remember my previous TT dog use to raise his leg once he reached 6 months old!

    Why does my male dog havent start to raise his legs when he urinates?

    My tibetan terrier male puppy is 7 and a half monhs old now but he still havent raise his leg while he urinate?Does he still have more time for this?I remember my previous TT dog use to raise his leg once he reached 6 months old!...
    Other Pet Discussions : Why does my male dog havent start to raise his legs when he urinates?...

    • Why does my male dog havent start to raise his legs when he urinates?

      Why does my male dog havent start to raise his legs when he urinates? Other Pet Discussions
      My tibetan terrier male puppy is 7 and a half monhs old now but he still havent raise his leg while he urinate?Does he still have more time for this?I remember my previous TT dog use to raise his leg once he reached 6 months old!

      Why does my male dog havent start to raise his legs when he urinates?

      Why does my male dog havent start to raise his legs when he urinates? Other Pet Discussions
    • There is no date by which a male should be lifting his leg. In fact some dogs (breeds) don't even bother - like my Bassets who know they can't reach the heights of other dogs, so once mature, often just do a brief lift and then put the leg back down again where it's more comfortable!! I've had bitches who lift more than some of my males.Don't worry about this. It means nothing - if he's going to do this, eventually he will. And if not, well there's no shame in this!!More important is to check that both his testicles are where they should be - if not then he will have to be castrated because retained testicles can become cancerous.

    • Some dogs take longer than others.Dominant natured dogs usually raise a leg earlier than more submissive ones.Also check he has both his testicles descended as one or both retained can be the cause a dog does not lift its leg. Most all males are lifting by 12 months old.

    • I guess some don't see the need. I have a pit bull that urinates like a horse. He just stands there and pee and cover it with sand or soil if available. When he was a puppy he pees like a girl dog.

    • I have a male dog thats 14 that won't raise his leg. I have a female dog that will raise her leg. Go figure. As long as they pee okay, I won't complain/