My dog ate a full sheet from a packet of ibuprofen should I be worried?

She is a one year old Labrador retriever she also ate a pack of fish food both of which on the table

    My dog ate a full sheet from a packet of ibuprofen should I be worried?

    She is a one year old Labrador retriever she also ate a pack of fish food both of which on the table...
    Other Pet Discussions : My dog ate a full sheet from a packet of ibuprofen should I be worried?...

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    • My dog ate a full sheet from a packet of ibuprofen should I be worried?

      My dog ate a full sheet from a packet of ibuprofen should I be worried? Other Pet Discussions
      She is a one year old Labrador retriever she also ate a pack of fish food both of which on the table

      My dog ate a full sheet from a packet of ibuprofen should I be worried?

      My dog ate a full sheet from a packet of ibuprofen should I be worried? Other Pet Discussions
    • The fish food won't hurt her; the ibuprofen definitely could. It's time to call your vet; that much ibuprofen could be dangerous to a human, let alone a dog. The main risk is internal bleeding; call your vet NOW.

    • Dogs can actually take more than you think. My dog raided my room and ate almost a full box of paracetamol and three ibuprofen, and besides being a little hyper (he thought he was indestructable!) he was fine! If she doesn't calm down after 6 hours I'd consider seeing a vet but there's no need to panic on this occasion :) (my dogs a Labrador and he really loves fish food! I think it's just a dog thing!)

    • Yes get her to the vet due to the ibuprofen which can make the stomach bleed and damage kidneys and liver. Work on her leave it commands and put medicines away in a cabinet.

    • Don't freak out. That is the most important part. The fish food is totally fine and she will be fine from the ibuprofen too. My siberian husky ate an entire package of Benadryl and the vet said she was fine. Just call your vet and tell them what happened and they will tell you if they'd like to see her. Most likely they will say that if she is acting normally that she will be fine. She may throw up later but thats good. The vet can't do much other than induce vomiting. Be sure to call though, they may want to monitor her for a few hours while she digests it.Hope she's okay!

    • The ibuprofen is TOXIC; even in ONE pill, let alone a sheet of them. Get the dog to the vet IMMEDIATELY - this is an EMERGENCY! Dog may become sleepy, but that is far from the worse of it. Over-the-counter pain relievers like Ibuprofen can have serious side effects for a dog AND can POISON a dog or cause serious or deadly complications such as: heart failure, liver failure, kidney disease, dehydration, diarrhea or urinary obstruction. Jill A. Richardson, Veterinary Poison Information Specialist for the ASPCA National Animal Poison Control Center states that, "Less than one regular strength ibuprofen (200mg) could cause stomach ulcers in a 10lb dog, and about six could cause KIDNEY FAILURE."