How do I teach our dog how to learn left paw and right paw?

I already taught him how to give me paw, and he learned within 3 days w/o any treats just praise. Anyway, now I'm trying to teach him his left from his right paw but he's not learning. He just sees it as paw and give me a random paw. How would I teach…

    How do I teach our dog how to learn left paw and right paw?

    I already taught him how to give me paw, and he learned within 3 days w/o any treats just praise. Anyway, now I'm trying to teach him his left from his right paw but he's not learning. He just sees it as paw and give me a random paw. How would I teach…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I teach our dog how to learn left paw and right paw?...

    • How do I teach our dog how to learn left paw and right paw?

      How do I teach our dog how to learn left paw and right paw? Other Pet Discussions
      I already taught him how to give me paw, and he learned within 3 days w/o any treats just praise. Anyway, now I'm trying to teach him his left from his right paw but he's not learning. He just sees it as paw and give me a random paw. How would I teach him this, or is this impossible to teach a dog.

      How do I teach our dog how to learn left paw and right paw?

      How do I teach our dog how to learn left paw and right paw? Other Pet Discussions
    • Well, you do it exactly the same as you taught him "paw".The dog will learn easier if YOU use different hands. (For exampl,e, "paw" would be done with the left hand, and the dog would give you the left paw. "Shake hands" would be done with the right hand, as you'd shake hands in the street, and the dog would give you the right paw. < Just an example. It varies handler to handler.)Just lift the paw. Say the command and praise/treat/click/etc. Repeat it over and over and over again..."Paw" and "Shake" are two very easy commands to teach. When the dog gets a reward, he'll learn quicker. While he enjoys your praise, I'm sure you enjoy getting verbally praised, as well. You wouldn't work 9-5 for "good job", though.You don't need to use treats if your dog is intolerant to certain foods types. You can use toys, or even pieces of his kibble. It's unlikely your dog will be allergic to an ingredient that is in every treat out there, so you'll most likely be able to find treats your dog can eat if you want to make training go quicker.

    • I know this one. I taught my dog "shake left""shake right"As you use the word "Paw" instead of shake, tell your dog "left paw" if he gives his left paw, throw a praise party. If he gives you his right paw, don't accept it, tell him LEFT PAW. Keep rejecting the right paw. If you must tap his left paw. As soon as he gives his left paw, Praise him a lot. Keep doing that till he gives his left paw when you say left paw. When he gets that down pat, tell him "right paw" do not accept the left paw, use the same strategy for the right paw. When he gets that down pat start mixing it up. ONLY Accept the paw you ask for. Be patient. Keep sessions short, if the dog starts yawning, he is stressed, STOP for a while. It took a while but my dog got it and was about 98% accurate.You do NOT have to switch hands! I always used my right hand and my dog would give me the paw I asked for!

    • Yes, as Deli said, YOU must switch hands in order to teach your dog to switch paws. Dogs don't understand left from right, but they do understand the difference in hands when you are asking for paws. Ask your dog for paw using your left hand, but dont actually take his paw unless he hands you the left paw. Then when switch hands and ask him for paw using your right hand and do not take the left paw when he lifts it to you, only take the one. A little repetition and he will get it, he seems like a smart guy :)