what r sum fun things to do with your rats when its hot?

its WAY TOO FRICKIN HOTT and i don't have air conditioning. what are sum fun things my ratties can do when its hott. i put a plate full of water on my bed for them to walk in but i was wondering if you had any other suggestions....thanks for any of your…

    what r sum fun things to do with your rats when its hot?

    its WAY TOO FRICKIN HOTT and i don't have air conditioning. what are sum fun things my ratties can do when its hott. i put a plate full of water on my bed for them to walk in but i was wondering if you had any other suggestions....thanks for any of your…...
    Off Topic : what r sum fun things to do with your rats when its hot?...

    • what r sum fun things to do with your rats when its hot?

      what r sum fun things to do with your rats when its hot? Off Topic
      its WAY TOO FRICKIN HOTT and i don't have air conditioning. what are sum fun things my ratties can do when its hott. i put a plate full of water on my bed for them to walk in but i was wondering if you had any other suggestions....thanks for any of your ideas.

      what r sum fun things to do with your rats when its hot?

      what r sum fun things to do with your rats when its hot? Off Topic
    • Put a ceramic tile in the cage, take warm bedding out, they can have some dampened rags, if they look distressed cool their tails, not too hot here but when I let them in the garden the little monkeys jumped in my pond, and started swimming about so perhaps a washing up bowl, or use the bath, for a dip.

    • Wow lots of rat hate today!Try filling a paint tray with cool (not cold) water and putting some frozen peas or corn in the water. They will have fun fishing out the treats and it will help cool them down. You can try swimming them in your bathtub, but most rats do not like to swim. Spritzing them with a spray bottle mister can help them cool down without getting them too wet. You can also chill their water bottle in the fridge or put ice cubes in it so their water is always cool.If they exhibit signs of heatstroke (laying stretched out with their feet sticking up and acting very lazy and weak), you can cool them off by quickly dunking them in some cool water. Rats can very easily die from being too hot, so keep an eye on them and try to keep their temperature normal as much as you can.Hope this helps, good luck with your rats!

    • I have pet rats this is what i do with mine.I will take my rats out of the cage/tank put a load of ice cubes place them around the tank then put the rats back in again . The rats will then bite the ice cubes making them much cooler and play around with them by sliding then around the tank/cage this will make the rats much cooler and refreshed.

    • I placed a couple of ice cubes in a shallow dish with a little water and let my rats play in it. I also gave them some cool dirt to dig in and some refrigerated fruits to eat. They also liked me putting a couple of water bottles (that I had frozen) in front of a fan near their cage. My rats especially loved being outside in the shade, with a breeze, on my shoulder. Good luck in this hot weather and remember: it's just going to get hotter until the fall. P.S. Ignore the ones who hate rats; they don't know what they are missing!

    • You should buy a little cage for like 20 bucks at your local pet store and go outside and put the rat in the cage and you can just lay out and relax. And put some water out there for the rat, and ice cubes.

    • Ooh I saw a few fun ideas on youtube. 1) Get a pint glass and fill halfway with water and ice-cubes. The ratties will have plenty fun gettin the ice-blocks out and chewing.2) Fill your dish with water and put some frozen peas in it. The rats can play pea fishing. The peas are healthy and cold- a great treat for ratties.P.S be careful taking ratties outside in the heat, my cousins ratties died of heat stroke and if they are white it makes them more prone to skin cancer.xxx

    • You can get a small fan to run next to the cage to give them a breeze. I've done that with mine and they don't seem to mind. Keep it on a low setting so it doesn't blow real hard. Also while your home put them in a bath tub of slightly warm water thats only about 1/2 their body deep. Put somthing heavy that won't float. If they don't like the water they will climb on top of whatever is in their to get out of the water. Mine seem to like the water. You can also put a sock w/ brown rice or dried corn, like a beanbag in the freezer and put it in their cage close to where they sleep and they will sleep or lay next to it when they get hot. Last but not least fill a bottle, like a 20 oz plastic pop bottle or water bottle with water and freeze it and lay it in the cage like I sugested w/ the beanbags and they will lay next to it if they get hot they will also like to lick the cold water off the sides when it starts to melt. This is very cheap and you can make several and switch them out when they get melted. Plus they last for hours. Nice to put in the cage when your going to be gone for awhile.