How can I maintain my position of the Alpha when working with dogs?

Recently I started working with groups of dogs about 15-20 small and large breeds. I am more of a cat person, but really enjoy working with animals, and have grown fond of the dogs. For the most part, they seem to adhere to my leadership, but seeing as…

    How can I maintain my position of the Alpha when working with dogs?

    Recently I started working with groups of dogs about 15-20 small and large breeds. I am more of a cat person, but really enjoy working with animals, and have grown fond of the dogs. For the most part, they seem to adhere to my leadership, but seeing as…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I maintain my position of the Alpha when working with dogs?...

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    • How can I maintain my position of the Alpha when working with dogs?

      How can I maintain my position of the Alpha when working with dogs? Other Pet Discussions
      Recently I started working with groups of dogs about 15-20 small and large breeds. I am more of a cat person, but really enjoy working with animals, and have grown fond of the dogs. For the most part, they seem to adhere to my leadership, but seeing as how I am a novice, do you have any advice for me to maintain my status as leader of the pack? Are there behaviors I should avoid or not encourage? Thanks.

      How can I maintain my position of the Alpha when working with dogs?

      How can I maintain my position of the Alpha when working with dogs? Other Pet Discussions
    • You don't. Knock this "alpha" stuff off. Particularly if they aren't YOUR dogs. Be the leader, make them pay attention to you. There is no need for you to BE "alpha" - You are already at the top.

    • I don't recommend playing tug of war because if the dog wins it will assume it is stronger and therefore has a right to being alpha. If you are walking them, don't let them walk in front. They must walk by your side or behind you because the alpha decides where a pack goes. It's the same with going through doors, you go first. Don't let your dog wrestle you to the ground and stand on or over you if you play rough because they'll see themselves as the victor of a fight for dominance. Be firm but fair with the dogs and tell them off when they are bad but treat them kindly and praise them when they are good. If you are going to tell them off and discourage a certain behaviour, tell them off every time. Consistency is important. You could try obedience training.

    • This is a great question! Most people who own dogs don't realize how important it is for their dog to know their place in the family. Some tips right off the top of my head are as follows. Before you give them their food, make them sit and then pretend you are eating out of their bowl first. Alpha dogs always eat first. When it comes to attention and love, do not love on them when they come to you, only love on them on your terms. Alpha dogs are not affectionate unless they want to be. When walking them, make sure that they stand beside or slightly behind you, when you stop make them stop, this will teach them that you are the boss and unless you want to go that way its not going to happen. When playing with them make sure that they follow your rules. For instance, if you are playing fetch do not throw the ball unless they put it at your feet or in your hands, don't try and wrestle them for it. There are some questionable techniques about making a dog submit (when they submit they turn tummy up) to you that I have used in the past with success. Keep in mind that if you do not feel comfortable with the dog that you probably shouldn't do this...also never corner or hurt your dog. In the past with the more dominate dogs I have trained I have had to assert myself more aggressively. I commonly practice forcing them to submit to me by scruffing them and forcing them down and letting out a growl (show your teeth and flick your tongue out). This shows them that you are stronger than them and you are not scared of them. Some people say not to do this but I have had great success. Another technique I have used is a stare down with a growl (again with the teeth and tongue) Do not look away first, make them look away. Again some people disagree with this type of training. Another way to get them to submit is to mount them with a growl, simply scruff them and straddle them, male and female dogs will do this even with the same sex to prove a point. This basically tells your dog that you can do as you like and they have to just get over it. I have used all of these training methods with success but like I said, they are questionable and allot of people disagree with them so please use your own discretion. Again, never hit, hurt, intentionally scare, or corner your dog. Give them plenty of exercise and if possible even chores. (All my dogs have been trained to pick up various items such as limbs and twigs, they pull little red wagons and so on.) A tired dog with a purpose is generally a happy dog. Never feed your dogs together, give them all time with you separately and most importantly spay and neuter them! Spaying and neutering alone has been known to fix several behavioral problems! I hope this all helps!