How do I keep my dog from eating everything she sees?

I have a small dog that keeps getting fatter and fatter she eats everything she sees. How do I stop this before she explodes?I give her plenty of attention she is around me 24/7 and there is only one kind of dog food she will eat, so changing food is not…

    How do I keep my dog from eating everything she sees?

    I have a small dog that keeps getting fatter and fatter she eats everything she sees. How do I stop this before she explodes?I give her plenty of attention she is around me 24/7 and there is only one kind of dog food she will eat, so changing food is not…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I keep my dog from eating everything she sees?...

    • How do I keep my dog from eating everything she sees?

      How do I keep my dog from eating everything she sees? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a small dog that keeps getting fatter and fatter she eats everything she sees. How do I stop this before she explodes?I give her plenty of attention she is around me 24/7 and there is only one kind of dog food she will eat, so changing food is not an option.

      How do I keep my dog from eating everything she sees?

      How do I keep my dog from eating everything she sees? Other Pet Discussions
    • Every time you see her eat somthing she isnt supposed to, simply flick her on the nose, squirt her witha water bottle, scold her lightly or hit her lightly. But do no do different thing each time you see her doing it. Ex: you see her chewing on those new shoes you bought. If you flick her on the nose, each time you see her chewing on somthing, flick her. She will eventually learn.Good luck!

    • Do not give her anything that she wants. She will have health problems in the future if it continues like that. Put the dog in a diet, use Science Diet food, you can find it on the Vet's office or in a pet store. Good Luck!!PS. If you love your dog, do let him eat like that.

    • My dog is the same way. You need to really watch her all the time. Mostily dogs do that for attention. try to spend more time with her. She willl eventually get bored of the bad behavior and she most likely will move on to another bad habit. But just keep your eye out for her. If your dog goes nuts on you when you try to take the stuff from her just get a newspaper and give her a little hit on the bum.

    • First I want to say please if you love your pet do not ever hit or smack her........ No offense intended but i Have found that any aniamal will respond to positive reactions and lack of reaction before they will learn from hitting or negitive reinforcements. You need to call your vet and see if she has a prescription diet food..... Just like people they need to loose weight the right way....I would suggest taking her off the free feeding schedule and only put her allocated amount of food down each day i would split it into two meals so she is not hungry all the time. after that you need to teach her the Leave It command...... Start with a small piece of food and put it on the ground... put you dog on a leash and walk by when she pulls towards it gently tug the other way do not say anything at this point. reward her with a diffrent treat that is in your hands.... you practice this and you should start getting results where she will immiatly walk past it. once she starts to ignore it on her own then start to say LEAVE IT at the same time you walk by it. once she gets this command down then you will have a tool in witch to stop her from gobbling up that food that accidently hit the floor.Like I said please talk to your vet A dog on a diet is diffrent than a human, and they will be able to better help you.... A simple phone call should be enough. good luckon the changing the food thing she will get hungry and eat what you give her.

    • I love these questions. My simple answer, works everytime for everything. Everytime she does, force her a spoonful of vinigar. It work everytime! If its potty-training, digging, biting etc.