What is the price difference and pros and cons when choosing between a pug and newfoundland?

I love each of them. (I know they're two different extremes.) We currently have a 7 year old bichon and would want them to get along as well. Any suggestions on which you like better/have better attitudes? Just trying to decide which we would like. …

    What is the price difference and pros and cons when choosing between a pug and newfoundland?

    I love each of them. (I know they're two different extremes.) We currently have a 7 year old bichon and would want them to get along as well. Any suggestions on which you like better/have better attitudes? Just trying to decide which we would like. …...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the price difference and pros and cons when choosing between a pug and newfoundland?...

    • What is the price difference and pros and cons when choosing between a pug and newfoundland?

      What is the price difference and pros and cons when choosing between a pug and newfoundland? Other Pet Discussions
      I love each of them. (I know they're two different extremes.) We currently have a 7 year old bichon and would want them to get along as well. Any suggestions on which you like better/have better attitudes? Just trying to decide which we would like. (Our home size will accomodate both.)

      What is the price difference and pros and cons when choosing between a pug and newfoundland?

      What is the price difference and pros and cons when choosing between a pug and newfoundland? Other Pet Discussions
    • I'm particularly partial to Newfoundlands - they are very loyal and protective dogs (ours saved my baby sister from walking out into the street one time when we were little), not to mention that they can be very intimidating to people who aren't knowledgeable about them such as potential home invaders. They are also very fond of the water and are used as rescue dogs all over the world. As for the price difference - I'm sure there isn't much of one. A pure breed is a pure breed. Hope that helps!

    • I am an owner of a 2 1/2 yr old Landseer Newfoudland who weighs in at 175 pounds. he is the sweetest dog I ever had. He never growls and really just lays around. He is very gentle with my two other dogs, Pugs I have heard can be very tempermental. My Newf is one temperment every day-loyal, passive and eager to please

    • when it comes to price, the pug is going to be more expensive but easier to find. Newfoundlands aren't quit as popular and you might have to find breeder. They are both great dogs with great personalities. I believe the Newfoundlands are slightly better with children and easier to train. However they require more room. If you have to space and yard I would go for the Newfoundland I just think they are better family pets.

    • some things to think about - pugs are great little dogs most of the ones i know have great attitudes and get along with a variety of dogs. the downside to pugs can be breathing problems and skin problems as well as ear problems. newfies are known to be loving and loyal as well as great swimmers. but due to their coats can be very very smelly if grooming is not done on a regular basis. generally pretty healthy dogs they do run the risk of gastric torsions because they are deep chested. some precautions can be taken to prevent like evevating their food dishes and not letting them play for a few hours after eating as well as splitting their meals nto 2-4 meals a day. with big dogs comes a bigger price tag when it comes to feeding and vet bills. with pugs i think they may be mor expensive off the bat due to the popularity. both dogs would be a great addition. so think about your bichon... is he afraid or aggressive towards large dogs? and how much of a baby is he? if he is used to being your one and only he may resent another dog... personally i would go with the newfie :) unless its a black pug... much cuter than the fawn ones...