Hi any fun games or ways I can interact with my bunny?

Hi I just wondered if anyone had any fun Ideas that I could use to interact with my bunny? Directly interact. Like with a dog. Just wondering. Thanks.

    Hi any fun games or ways I can interact with my bunny?

    Hi I just wondered if anyone had any fun Ideas that I could use to interact with my bunny? Directly interact. Like with a dog. Just wondering. Thanks....
    Off Topic : Hi any fun games or ways I can interact with my bunny?...

    • Hi any fun games or ways I can interact with my bunny?

      Hi any fun games or ways I can interact with my bunny? Off Topic
      Hi I just wondered if anyone had any fun Ideas that I could use to interact with my bunny? Directly interact. Like with a dog. Just wondering. Thanks.

      Hi any fun games or ways I can interact with my bunny?

      Hi any fun games or ways I can interact with my bunny? Off Topic
    • Take it out on the lawn (in a harness or closely watched!)and let it hop around and explore. You could also do 4-h with it and show it. We make salads for our rabbit. Also, you can wrap it in a towel and cuddle up with it and a good book.

    • If you find a treat they really like, you can get them to do anything like tricks, find stuff, make videos. you can play hide and seek. to teach them this, you can take a treat with you. put them in a box they can get out of while you hide quickly, and they find you!

    • Get a little play pen or take chicken wire and make a large circle for your bunny to play outside without having to be watched. Place it in the grass. They will like eating the grass. Also, you could make a little "Bunny Buffet" With cut up carrots, celery, dandylion greens "leaves", lettuce, and strawberries. Set them all in a line on a tray and let your bunny choose which one it wants. You can't really play catch or anything. You could also cuddle up with it and watch TV or a movie together.

    • My bun and i love to play in the yard. Believe it or not bunnies actually love grass and it is super healthy for there digestive systems. Rabbits love toys with rattels that they can push around. You should try to train your rabbit. Rabbits actually compete. As I'm sure you can see they can jump really high.