How much should you feed your betta fish, how many times a day?

I have two betta fish, But the salesperson at the pet store said i should feed it once a day with 2-3 pellets. The bottle of food for my betta fish says that I should feed them twice a day with 6-8 pellets. What should I do?

    How much should you feed your betta fish, how many times a day?

    I have two betta fish, But the salesperson at the pet store said i should feed it once a day with 2-3 pellets. The bottle of food for my betta fish says that I should feed them twice a day with 6-8 pellets. What should I do?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How much should you feed your betta fish, how many times a day?...

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    • How much should you feed your betta fish, how many times a day?

      How much should you feed your betta fish, how many times a day? Other Pet Discussions
      I have two betta fish, But the salesperson at the pet store said i should feed it once a day with 2-3 pellets. The bottle of food for my betta fish says that I should feed them twice a day with 6-8 pellets. What should I do?

      How much should you feed your betta fish, how many times a day?

      How much should you feed your betta fish, how many times a day? Other Pet Discussions
    • Follow the instructions on the bottle. It would be hard to overfeed it, cause it will swim off any extra. Plus, you'd rather have it over-eat than under-eat, right? Don't worry, the extra pellets will just be good for them.

    • 2-3 pellets a day once a day is what I have fed my betta, "Dog" for years and he seems to be doing alright. There are also plants that you can buy that will live in the water with the betta and feed it while cleaning the bowl as well. Not only is it an economically sound option, it is beautiful to look at as well.

    • You should not feed your betta more than once a day. betta fish will eat whatever you give them, and this could result in a tummy ache, or he will over-eat himself to sickness or death. The food bottles are usually trying you to feed your fish more and buy more product, while the fish store will give you better advice. My betta fish, Champ just died and he lived for seven years (not counting how old he was in the store). I fed him betta pellets once a day, about 4 pellets. He was a great fish, and I hope you enjoy yours!!

    • Feed it twice a day, one pellet at a time, as many as it wants to eat in 4-5 minutes. In a few days, you will see a pattern. Ours eats 4 in the morning and 2 at night. After you get an average amout that it wants to eat, you can just feed it that much each feeding time, without having to wait for it to eat one before giving it another. Overfeeding isn't good for it, but only allowing it to eat for 4-5 minutes will prevent that.Different brands of pellets are different sizes, so one person's amout to feed may not be how much you need to feed your fish.

    • I have had beta fish and I followed the directions on the bottle and my fish was fine for years. If you are feeding it too much, you will notice the tank is getting dirty. You will then need to feed them less.

    • First off, try to find better food. Pellets really aren't that good. I use to feed my bettas freeze dried daphnia and blood worms. I found these at petsmart, but they cost more.Other than that, I'd probably do 2 pellets twice a day.. to a total of four. Never just sprinkle food in there, because bettas will eat without stopping, and will literally eat to their death. You have to closely monitor what you give them. Remember to keep the top covered because bettas can jump out. If your betta ever jumps out, try putting it in water for a while even if it looks dead, because sometimes they "come back to life". It's because they can breathe from their mouth insead of their gills.

    • I usually give my Betta's 3 or 4 pellets in the morning and same at night. Some days I forget or get home really late, so they only eat once a day and there fine. Sometimes when I go away for the weekend, my family forgets to feed them. I've never lost a fish. I usually thoroughly clean their tanks before I leave. And their fine until I get back.One of my Betta's at one time actually didn't eat anything I gave him for approx. 3 weeks. I tried everything, flakes, freeze dried blood worms, pellets. He wouldn't eat anything. He survived. Fish really don't need to eat as much as we normally feed them.

    • I recomment twice a day with four to six pellets for two bettas. Don't overfeed! Change their water once every two weeks if you are using jars. Try skipping a day about once a week, I find that he doesn't leave any rotting if I skip. Go to for more info on bettas. My betta is three years old in human years so I should know.

    • Let me get this straight. You would rather pollute your house, than still eat much more than you would normally eat.Fish are fine for 2 weeks without food so underfeed. I would follow you salesperson's advise and feed once a day with 2-3 pellet. Or break it up to 2 feedings. Also a one day fast every week is good to keep the fishes digestive system healthyAlso, get variety, just pellets is boring, boiled pees, freeze dried food, frozen, or maybe just different pellet are better for your bettaBy the way for future reference, the people making the food get money based on how much food is sold. They couldn't care less about the welefare of your fish