How do I get me kitten to stop pooping outsided of the litter box?

I didn't change anything as far as where the litter box was or the type of litter that I was using. She was using the litter box fine until about a month ago. I have tried putting food in the places that she started going. Nothing seems to be working.…

    How do I get me kitten to stop pooping outsided of the litter box?

    I didn't change anything as far as where the litter box was or the type of litter that I was using. She was using the litter box fine until about a month ago. I have tried putting food in the places that she started going. Nothing seems to be working.…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get me kitten to stop pooping outsided of the litter box?...

    • How do I get me kitten to stop pooping outsided of the litter box?

      How do I get me kitten to stop pooping outsided of the litter box? Other Pet Discussions
      I didn't change anything as far as where the litter box was or the type of litter that I was using. She was using the litter box fine until about a month ago. I have tried putting food in the places that she started going. Nothing seems to be working. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

      How do I get me kitten to stop pooping outsided of the litter box?

      How do I get me kitten to stop pooping outsided of the litter box? Other Pet Discussions
    • Spray the area where she's been pooping with Nature's Miracle to remove any stain and odor. Perhaps the stain is gone, but her keen sense of smell tells her that is where she should go.Since she's been using the litterbox before, this should solve the problem.

    • I live in a two-story home. The litter box was downstairs. The cat started pooping upstairs on the floor. I added another litter box. Now we have one upstairs and one downstairs. The cat uses both and no more clean-ups. Maybe you could add another box. Good Luck !!!

    • Put the box in a spot that forces kitty to stay inside box when pooping, i. e., corner or put a lid on the box. Concur with the natures miracle suggestion. Make sure box is scooped out very often because kitty doesn't like to go where he's gone before.

    • Ideally, this problem can be fixed with attitude adjustment, not only sprays (which sometimes are a temporary fix--you might end up spraying your whole house by the end!) and extra boxes (if all you have is one cat.). The spray is a good idea for the spots she's already gotten to, but try some of these methods, too. Try to determine if there were any changes in the house among people or events or even other animals in or out of the house since she started going outside of the box. Also, if it's right outside the box, see if it has to do with the size of the box (if she or the box is too big or small, it can pose a problem, and kitties grow fast in a month). If it's in other places farther away, and you have other cats, they may be having territory wars. This can be remedied by going through excercises with the cats (or other animals) to desensitize them to each other. Eating together, playing together, being togehter and with you under pleasant circumstances. They will all see that the need to set boundaires is not an emergency and quickly learn to curb this nasty habit. If the pooping is just is particular spot, try to figure out in which ways it is different and perhaps more preferable to the box. Some cats like to have their box in a not-so-open spot, others don't want a litter box hood at all. Sometimes, it has to do with what happens when she goes to the box to do her business. Is there a window nearby where other animals can drop by and scare her? If there are other animals, do they make it difficult for her to use it? Watch and see. If it is the first answer, then moving the box to a more remote spot is best. If you wish to someday put it back where it was, gradually inching it back works, as well as getting her used to seeing other animals and pets in a friendly environment (a great excuse for playdates with other kittens/cats!). If its another animal thats pestering her, desentization works for this as well. In extreme cases, no amount of sprays, boxes, or behavioral treatments will work because of the individual cat's amount of anxiety/health problems. Ususally this is not the case, but some cats have been put on medication to make them calmer and less anxious about using the box, as well as some have been found to have problems with their bowel/urinary system (this was my mother's cat's case) and so when they do go, they go wherever they are. Unlikely with such a young cat, but if it persists after a month, take her to the vet anyway and ask him.

    • I have a cat who I had this same issue with when she was a kitten. She's 13 now and no pooping outside the box. What we discovered is that she won't use her box if there is already poop in it. She can't stand her own feces. So, we had to scoop every time she pooped when she was young. She's become less finicky over the years and can now go a whole day before we scoop. It's a simple solution if it works. Hope it works for you.