How can I explain to our cats and dogs that a toilet is not a proper drinking vessel?

We have four pussies (cats) and two dawgs. Two of the cats and one of the dogs always tries to get into our bathroom upstairs, and they drink from the porcelain deity. How can I explain to the cats and the dog that the toilet is not a proper drinking…

    How can I explain to our cats and dogs that a toilet is not a proper drinking vessel?

    We have four pussies (cats) and two dawgs. Two of the cats and one of the dogs always tries to get into our bathroom upstairs, and they drink from the porcelain deity. How can I explain to the cats and the dog that the toilet is not a proper drinking…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I explain to our cats and dogs that a toilet is not a proper drinking vessel?...

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    • How can I explain to our cats and dogs that a toilet is not a proper drinking vessel?

      How can I explain to our cats and dogs that a toilet is not a proper drinking vessel? Other Pet Discussions
      We have four pussies (cats) and two dawgs. Two of the cats and one of the dogs always tries to get into our bathroom upstairs, and they drink from the porcelain deity. How can I explain to the cats and the dog that the toilet is not a proper drinking vessel?

      How can I explain to our cats and dogs that a toilet is not a proper drinking vessel?

      How can I explain to our cats and dogs that a toilet is not a proper drinking vessel? Other Pet Discussions
    • Definitely keep the lid down, or the door closed... either that or put double sided tape on the toilet seat because they hate the feeling...then again it wouldn't be very useful for humans then :Pgood luck my kitty went through that stage now he drinks from the shower (ugh)

    • Youre best off to either close the lid to the toilet, or close the door to the bathroom.Do your pets have enough access to water inside the house?I have never had a problem with my pets drinking out of the toilet- but they always have fresh water avaliable inside the house.If you have drinking water avaliable (leave bowls out on tiled floors like in the laundry and kitchen) there should be no reason for your pets to seek water elsewhere.

    • they are probably doing it because its a source of "fresh" water.... since it is flushed it is never stagnant. i would keep the lid down and get an automatic drinking fountain for the pets. that way the water never tastes stale and they would have no reason to drink from it... also keeping the door closed would help... but thats hard to remember some times lol.