How can I get my puppy to put all four paws on her pee-pads?

We have trained our puppy to use the absorbant pads to relive herself, she know that she is supposed to do this, but dosnt understand that her back paws need to be on the pads aswell. She sees her front ones are on, and then makes a mess on the floor as…

    How can I get my puppy to put all four paws on her pee-pads?

    We have trained our puppy to use the absorbant pads to relive herself, she know that she is supposed to do this, but dosnt understand that her back paws need to be on the pads aswell. She sees her front ones are on, and then makes a mess on the floor as…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I get my puppy to put all four paws on her pee-pads?...

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    • How can I get my puppy to put all four paws on her pee-pads?

      How can I get my puppy to put all four paws on her pee-pads? Other Pet Discussions
      We have trained our puppy to use the absorbant pads to relive herself, she know that she is supposed to do this, but dosnt understand that her back paws need to be on the pads aswell. She sees her front ones are on, and then makes a mess on the floor as her back legs are off. Any tips for getting all four paws on the papers?

      How can I get my puppy to put all four paws on her pee-pads?

      How can I get my puppy to put all four paws on her pee-pads? Other Pet Discussions
    • If your housebreaking your dog,consider getting rid of the pads alltogether.Pads and newspaper prolong the time it takes to completely housebreak a pup.Even though it uses the pad,it is learning that going to the bathroom in the house is acceptable.You want your dog to learn that the only acceptable place to potty is outside.