What is the best method to train a puppy not to nip/bite?

I have an 8-week old golden retriever and a 6 year old daughter. The puppy keeps nipping and biting my daughter, he nips/bites at everything really. I am looking for a good method on how to get through this phase.Thanks for your help!

    What is the best method to train a puppy not to nip/bite?

    I have an 8-week old golden retriever and a 6 year old daughter. The puppy keeps nipping and biting my daughter, he nips/bites at everything really. I am looking for a good method on how to get through this phase.Thanks for your help!...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best method to train a puppy not to nip/bite?...

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    • What is the best method to train a puppy not to nip/bite?

      What is the best method to train a puppy not to nip/bite? Other Pet Discussions
      I have an 8-week old golden retriever and a 6 year old daughter. The puppy keeps nipping and biting my daughter, he nips/bites at everything really. I am looking for a good method on how to get through this phase.Thanks for your help!

      What is the best method to train a puppy not to nip/bite?

      What is the best method to train a puppy not to nip/bite? Other Pet Discussions
    • I have a puppy that's 7 months old. She sometimes nips. But usually when they're young, they learn faster. So when your puppy bites, just say OW! Really expressive. Then your puppy might get that what she/he's doing is hurting you. It helps.

    • My husband and I have a dachschund that we got when she was six weeks old. She was constantly biting and nipping at us. We were lucky in that she really left furniture and household items alone. But I read in a book somewhere to fill a small spray bottle (like a travel hair spray bottle) with a mixture of vinegar and water. Whenever she started nipping or biting, we would forcefully tell her "no" and spritz her in the face. That seemed to work real well. I would say after a good week or so, she stopped.

    • You need to teach your pup bite inhibition. This will teach her how much pressure hurts. Give the puppy your fist to mouth, when she puts enough pressure to hurt yelp LOUDLY and turn your back on her. Then do it again eventually you can yelp whenever she even touches you with her mouth but first you need to teach her to control the pressure of her bite. This is a very important thing to teach her and playing with other puppies and dogs will help her learn this important skill aswell. Hope this helps.