How can there be a God when good dogs die?

I just had to put down my 3 year old Aussie. What a great dog. Certified in Pet Therapy, has brought two people out of coma's, and brought dozens of people happiness in the hospital. Some higher power decided to give this dog an unknown, can't be…

    How can there be a God when good dogs die?

    I just had to put down my 3 year old Aussie. What a great dog. Certified in Pet Therapy, has brought two people out of coma's, and brought dozens of people happiness in the hospital. Some higher power decided to give this dog an unknown, can't be…...
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    • How can there be a God when good dogs die?

      How can there be a God when good dogs die? Other Pet Discussions
      I just had to put down my 3 year old Aussie. What a great dog. Certified in Pet Therapy, has brought two people out of coma's, and brought dozens of people happiness in the hospital. Some higher power decided to give this dog an unknown, can't be detected virus, or something that crippled him and made him unable to walk. It happened very fast, within 2 months, and I had to put him to sleep yesterday. I even went to churches where everyone prayed to God to help this poor creature. God really doesn't give a damn, does he?After reading all your wonderful things to say, some of you just ain't going to make "best answer".

      How can there be a God when good dogs die?

      How can there be a God when good dogs die? Other Pet Discussions
    • You are having a very common reaction to death. Things happen, period. No excuse, no rationalization..everything dies sooner or latter IF it lives. I am not speaking from any religious conviction, just sense. All the blaming in the world will not bring your doggie back..I am very sorry for your loss, that is true. But there is no one, no thing to just happens. Good luck.

    • I'm sorry about your loss. It is hard to imagine how there can be a God in times like these, but when I have lost beloved pets in the past, I try to think of it as God sees how wonderful they are and wants them close to him, and if animals lived forever there would be no need for us to go and give another pet a loving home. You did the right thing, as hard as it is, by not making this lovely creature suffer any longer. When the pain of your loss gets easier (it will) pass the love your Aussie taught you onto another needy animal. It is great for all involved.

    • Maybe god decided that this dogs carreer needed to be over and that he had served his purpose. god does care and has a reason that you obviously dont know.think of a small child and they want to touch that bright light on top of wax but theire mom wont let them and they get mad at her the reason their mom didn't let them was because it was hot and the results would be painfull. the same thing goes with this situation god has his reasons that you wont know until you meet him or ask him now even he might tell you he might not but please dont question what he does hes a lot smarter than you and knows better.and maybe you didn't have the faith i have found that amazing things happen when you have faith in god so maybe you didn't really believe that god was going to heel your dog. just something to think about.

    • In the Catholic religion dogs don't have soul. While you may feel that your dog was your equal it was not. God does not love animals they way he loves humans thus their death is inconsequential and you will not see the dog in heaven. I realize you may have loved your pet but understand God loves you move than it.

    • no he/she really doesn't as all the death and misfortune in the world were able to be solved by a higher power than would it not be solved. we live trough tragic time in order for us to grow stronger and not lament the passing of a bloved pet. yhis will make us strong enough to see the passing of thousands of young men and women in iraq so that we can support the rep. party

    • God does indeed care for animals. But, death happens, whether good people or animals. It is the circle of life. If all good dogs lived, there would be an overabundance of pet population, even more so than now. And we would not have our beloved pets in Heaven.God didn't create the virus's that kill, but they are Satan's perversions.

    • God does care. That is why your beloved friend was born. Without God that would have not happenned. Why is it that we all pray when something bad happens to us. Inorder to be helped you must believe. When we buy a pet we look foward to all the great things that he or she will bring to us we never think about that day. I also hav ehad to go thru that day. Although it is not easy it does get better with time.Instead of focus all of your anger on his/her death you should think of everthing your friend has done, all the happiness he brought to the sick people your friend came in contact with.We all have a Birth and a Death date set for us. It is not about that it is about what we do while we are here. Your friend has obviously served the purpose of the life it was given. Have you ?

    • Unfortunately, that is life. I have had to put down 5 dogs now and I still have the ashes of all of them. It is so sad to put down a good friend and I NEVER get over the death of any of them. I try to think and put into my mind... The good life that I gave them and they were happy for it.... at the same time, I carry a burden of guilt.. but for no reason whatsoever. I still miss them and will miss them forever.

    • I am very sorry about what you are going through I know how hard it is.I am not going to write about God, whether he does or doesnt care about people or dogs dying.I just wanted to say this to you.You enjoyed the love and the kindnss of a wonderful dog, he received your love and care for three wonderful years. Animal have different concepts than us about life and death...what they value the most is the love and apreciation of his "owner" and this great dog had it and I am sure he was the happiest dog he could have possibly been.Just don't leave his place him how much you loved him and miss him by getting another dog.I am sending you a hard warm hug.