What actually gets rid of fleas and works?

I have used the best and most expensive stuff like advantics and frontline and those didn't work. I even sprayed the furniture and floor and everything to get rid of the fleas and none of that has worked.I have spent so much money trying to get rid of…

    What actually gets rid of fleas and works?

    I have used the best and most expensive stuff like advantics and frontline and those didn't work. I even sprayed the furniture and floor and everything to get rid of the fleas and none of that has worked.I have spent so much money trying to get rid of…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What actually gets rid of fleas and works?...

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    • What actually gets rid of fleas and works?

      What actually gets rid of fleas and works? Other Pet Discussions
      I have used the best and most expensive stuff like advantics and frontline and those didn't work. I even sprayed the furniture and floor and everything to get rid of the fleas and none of that has worked.I have spent so much money trying to get rid of fleas and i have not yet been able to. Does anyone know a cheap way that works to get rid of fleas for good?

      What actually gets rid of fleas and works?

      What actually gets rid of fleas and works? Other Pet Discussions
    • I swear by Comfortis. It is a little $15 pill you give your dog and it kills them in 10 minutes, seriously they just fall off. Once they all start dying off the ones in your house will not get back onto your dog leaving cleaning your house all you have left. Any carpet flea cleaner will work, just sprinkle on and vacuum up!

    • If your using the best stuff and it is not working, then you are not using it correctly.There is no cheap way out of it unless you start with no fleas and only protect the outside of the house.Getting rid of a flea infestation is easy if you do it right.

    • Agreeing with Herding Dog Momma. Our dogs take the pill and it works great.We give it to them and in about 2 days all the fleas are dead.Our vet advised us when we first started giving our dogs the pill, to give the pill, and vacuum twice a day for 2 or three days strait. This stimulates any unhatched flea eggs in your carpet to hatch. They will then get on your dog, bite him, and die. Kills the cycle.

    • You must call an exterminator for your house (or buy an exterminator bomb at the store) while you rid your dog of the fleas. You must wash all bedding and clothing as well as the dog. When you vacuum, place a 1/2 flea collar in the bag to kill whatever you have vacuumed up.THEN you apply the topical monthly flea control medication. Be sure not to apply too many solutions at one time or you will poison your dog as these are toxic chemicals. Read the labels carefully.After that keep the place vacuumed, stuff laundered and dog bathed at least once a week until you no longer have flea problems.

    • I use Bio-spot once a month flea and tick killer and it works. I start using it on him from spring to fall, and I don't have any fleas on him or in my house it's great. It's not the most expensive, it's what I can afford and it works. I buy it from 1800-PETMEDS or Foster and Smith it's even cheaper buying it from one of them plus I get free shipping. Good luck with everything.

    • Did you ever try natural flea, tick, mosquito and parasite remedies? They are very effective in repelling and killing fleas and ticks and other insects + they are safe to your pet, your family and the environment and not expensive. One really good remedy in repelling fleas and getting rid of parasites is Diatomaceous Earth. You can sprinkle it on the coat of your pets for flea control or sprinkle on food for parasite control. Diatomaceous earth is a geological deposit made up of the fossilized skeletons and tests of siliceous marine and fresh water organisms, particularly diatoms and other algae. These skeletons are made of hydrated amorphous silica or opal. When crushed, they break up into tiny pieces of glass'' (so tiny that the material feels like talcum powder). This is easily picked up by the hairy bodies of most Insects. Whereupon it scratches through their protective wax layers; and they also absorb some of this material. the result being that the insects lose water rapidly, dry up and die. Further protection is provided by the powder's property of repelling many insects. A similar principle probably accounts for the fact that birds frequently take dust baths, presumably to rid themselves of parasites. Some other natural flea repellents use essential oils for repelling and killing fleas.To protect themselves, certain plants have developed highly effective defense mechanisms against potentially harmful insects. The essential oils of these plants were combined in a solution to form a natural pest control barrier for pets. I have dogs and cats and since I use these natural pest controls there are no fleas anymore and they not getting bothered from ticks, mosquitoes or such. To read more about it you can go on the links below. It shows you some products and information to it.