How do you stop an adult cat from biting?

I have a three year old cat I rescue six months ago, who is the sweetest thing in the world. However, when I am sleeping, she gets lonely, and trys to wake me up and usually does so by biting me in the face, rather hard. How do I train her to stop doing…

    How do you stop an adult cat from biting?

    I have a three year old cat I rescue six months ago, who is the sweetest thing in the world. However, when I am sleeping, she gets lonely, and trys to wake me up and usually does so by biting me in the face, rather hard. How do I train her to stop doing…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you stop an adult cat from biting?...

    • How do you stop an adult cat from biting?

      How do you stop an adult cat from biting? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a three year old cat I rescue six months ago, who is the sweetest thing in the world. However, when I am sleeping, she gets lonely, and trys to wake me up and usually does so by biting me in the face, rather hard. How do I train her to stop doing this? Thanks!

      How do you stop an adult cat from biting?

      How do you stop an adult cat from biting? Other Pet Discussions
    • I've been tapping mine on the mouth when he does it and he's gotten pretty good about not biting. When he does do it it is really gentle now but I still won't let him. Mixed messages you know...anyway, just a light tap does it or if she bites your face a quick puff of breath works. They don't like things that blow on their face.

    • I haven't had a cat that bit me, but I found a good training tool! A spray bottle filled with water, adjust it so it doesn't spray a mist, but a stream of water. Whenever the cat does something it shouldn't (like biting your face) blast it with the water! I doesn't take long for them to figure out what that spray bottle means. After a week or two, you probably won't have to spray the cat, just point the bottle at him/her. It's been a couple of years since I trained my cat that way and if he even sees that spray bottle in my hand, he cuts and runs!

    • I have found that the best way is to do what the mother cat does to the kittens.... she taps them on the nose with her paw, and growls at them. The cat thinks of you as mom, so tap ( not hit ) him on the nose and firmly say " NO!!" It will remind him of kittenhood, and he'll get the idea soon.

    • Try blowing in her face. (They HATE that.)Mama-cats will "cuff" their little ones when they play too rough, so if you pop her on the head (not to hard, of course) whenever she does it, she'll probably learn quickly. Also say "NO' loudly, and then put her off the bed and onto the floor. My 8 month old kitten (no longer kitten size) does the same thing by biting me on the nose -- not hard, just enough to make me wake up and pay attention to her.

    • Your best bet is to look into adopting another cat that way she has someone to play with. My cat Pigltet use to stalk me and jump when I wasn't expecting it, I think she got a kick out of seeing me jump. Anyways I got her a playmate and she has stopped attacking me ever since...