What are some really fun and easy things you can do with your rat or make for your rat?

I want to play with my rat a lot but I think she will get bored if all I'm doing all the time is holding her. Anything fun and cheap I can make my rats? Anything fun I can do with my rats? Thanks.

    What are some really fun and easy things you can do with your rat or make for your rat?

    I want to play with my rat a lot but I think she will get bored if all I'm doing all the time is holding her. Anything fun and cheap I can make my rats? Anything fun I can do with my rats? Thanks....
    Off Topic : What are some really fun and easy things you can do with your rat or make for your rat?...

    • What are some really fun and easy things you can do with your rat or make for your rat?

      What are some really fun and easy things you can do with your rat or make for your rat? Off Topic
      I want to play with my rat a lot but I think she will get bored if all I'm doing all the time is holding her. Anything fun and cheap I can make my rats? Anything fun I can do with my rats? Thanks.

      What are some really fun and easy things you can do with your rat or make for your rat?

      What are some really fun and easy things you can do with your rat or make for your rat? Off Topic
    • If its a smaller rat you can put together papertowel tubes - my boys loved to play in those when they were babies but now they are too big. We have bought the Ferrettrail Fun-Nles (large hamster tubes basically) and those are fun because you can always rearrange them. My boys also LOVE to play in cardboard boxes, which I am always rescuing out of the recycling (like tissue boxes, cereal boxes)...Good Luck and have fun!!!

    • In their cage you can hang bird toys, they love climbing them and ringing the bells. I also added a plastic plant pot, attached to the side, and they cuddle up inside of it to nap.They love exploring my desk, while I am working or playing, running all over everything and inserting comments of their own. LOL Just make sure you dont have anything on there that could hurt them like medicines, wires and sharp objects, because they like to explore! And be prepared to share your drink, I have had to give up my drinks to my girlies because they were hanging upside down in the glass drinking my sweet tea. To fix the drink sharing I give them their own shot glass, with some of my drink in it for them to drink. :) Never give them alcohol, just water, milk, and stuff.I also let them run all over the couch while I am watching tv. I stack the pillows like a jungle gym and they love climbing in and out and on top of them racing each others and hiding.The most important thing is just to have fun with your rat baby and she will love whatever you do with her!

    • Oh Oh....I play this fun game with my hammies but it would work with rats too...I get loaaaads of videos and by standing them up (making sure they are stable first) and arranging them into a maze. You can do dead ends and stairs (by stacking videos) and put a track of treats along the course where a reward is waiting at the end.Of course you have to watch just in case they escape it, but its free to play and will keep your pet occupied whilst your watching Tv or something... =]Let me know what you think, Amelia x