How can you tell if a cat is depressed?

One of my cats just died and my other cat has been acting diffrently ever since his death. I might think he is depressed. How can I tell for sure?

    How can you tell if a cat is depressed?

    One of my cats just died and my other cat has been acting diffrently ever since his death. I might think he is depressed. How can I tell for sure?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can you tell if a cat is depressed?...

    • How can you tell if a cat is depressed?

      How can you tell if a cat is depressed? Other Pet Discussions
      One of my cats just died and my other cat has been acting diffrently ever since his death. I might think he is depressed. How can I tell for sure?

      How can you tell if a cat is depressed?

      How can you tell if a cat is depressed? Other Pet Discussions
    • My cat went through the same thing, he wouldn't eat, he moped around, and wasn't interested in the things he was usually interested in. But eventually he came back around to his usual self. They claim animals don't grieve, but I don't think that's true. I think the symptoms in your cat are the same pretty much as in people.

    • I'm not sure how exactly you can tell...but I do know that animals at least NOTICE when someone is missing. Our little kitty 'mourned' the loss of our dog, too. The good news is that they're more resilient than humans usually...he'll bounce back. Just be nice to him and let him do his thing for now.

    • Your cat will be feeling a sensation of loss, grief at losing a family member, this is only natural. You as the head cat need to administer TLC. Time is the greatest healer. Hugs to him/her. A kitten may cheer you both up.

    • Cats react emotionally to their life experiences. While cats don't get depressed in exactly the same way that humans do, they can get confused and feel loss and "hunker down" because their world has changed and their patterns have been disrupted. Does your cat seem less lively? Not want to eat with the same promptness and enthusiasm? Spend time hidden instead of coming out to be friendly? The thing to do is the same thing you'd do with any friend. Love it. Give it lots and lots of pets. Give it treats. Eventually, the cat will tend to "wake up" and begin taking care of cat business and living its cat life.

    • My cat meowed and meowed for a few weeks when we had to have the other 2 put down a week apart. She had never been an only cat before and had grown up with one of the cats. Within about a month, all of sudden, she realized it was ALL HERS NOW...and she's a happy camper. I rarely see other cats in the yard, and she loves to sleep on my bed. Cat's do have emotions...just give them loves and maybe treats and they'll be fine.