How do I stop a dog not to bark consistently at other dogs, so all the dogs in Day Camp will have more fun?

There's a dog I have had in my Day Camp room the last few days who is constantly barking at other dogs. The constant barking has almost led to some fights. Currently, the only thing I can do is spray water, but I'd like to know if there's another way…

    How do I stop a dog not to bark consistently at other dogs, so all the dogs in Day Camp will have more fun?

    There's a dog I have had in my Day Camp room the last few days who is constantly barking at other dogs. The constant barking has almost led to some fights. Currently, the only thing I can do is spray water, but I'd like to know if there's another way…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I stop a dog not to bark consistently at other dogs, so all the dogs in Day Camp will have more fun?...

    • How do I stop a dog not to bark consistently at other dogs, so all the dogs in Day Camp will have more fun?

      How do I stop a dog not to bark consistently at other dogs, so all the dogs in Day Camp will have more fun? Other Pet Discussions
      There's a dog I have had in my Day Camp room the last few days who is constantly barking at other dogs. The constant barking has almost led to some fights. Currently, the only thing I can do is spray water, but I'd like to know if there's another way to handle the situation.

      How do I stop a dog not to bark consistently at other dogs, so all the dogs in Day Camp will have more fun?

      How do I stop a dog not to bark consistently at other dogs, so all the dogs in Day Camp will have more fun? Other Pet Discussions
    • My dog barks at other dogs all the time.This is not too bad. Shelties are known to bark a lot, for example.Barking is their way of talking. The barking dog is being social. You annot realistically ask that dogs don't 'talk'. That would be cruel and uncalled forHowever, if you are feeling that the barking can lead to fights or injuries you can muzzle the dog(s)

    • If the dog has only been in your Day Camp for a few days he may feel abandoned or confused. Especially if he has never been socialized before with a number of dogs. Give him a week(which is almost up) and if the dog does not naturally calm down and assimilate try a crate. If the dog has his own space he might not feel as overwhelmed and the other dogs will get the chance to sniff and make friends. If he still barks in the kennel try covering it with a blanket and opening one side at a time to ease him into it slowly. Remember to give him some alone time to show he you are not angry. Crates should never be used for punishment only personal space. It sounds like you have a great job. I'm jealous. Good luck.

    • We use the citronella spray collar and it is not toxic and very effective. It's basically harmless - just annoying to the dog. It has a small microphone which is faced toward the throat. When the dog barks, it sprays out a burst of citronella in front of it's face. We bought it through Entirely Pets.