How to keep aquarium cool during the summer?

I have a 20 gallon with 1 1"pleco, 5 platys, and 7 gold barbs in planted aquarium. I will be on vacation for 9 days and the A/C will be off. I live in San Antonio, TX, and it gets over 100 degrees here. I don't want to buy aquarium chiller, what do i do…

    How to keep aquarium cool during the summer?

    I have a 20 gallon with 1 1"pleco, 5 platys, and 7 gold barbs in planted aquarium. I will be on vacation for 9 days and the A/C will be off. I live in San Antonio, TX, and it gets over 100 degrees here. I don't want to buy aquarium chiller, what do i do…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How to keep aquarium cool during the summer?...

    • How to keep aquarium cool during the summer?

      How to keep aquarium cool during the summer? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a 20 gallon with 1 1"pleco, 5 platys, and 7 gold barbs in planted aquarium. I will be on vacation for 9 days and the A/C will be off. I live in San Antonio, TX, and it gets over 100 degrees here. I don't want to buy aquarium chiller, what do i do to keep aquarium cool?

      How to keep aquarium cool during the summer?

      How to keep aquarium cool during the summer? Other Pet Discussions
    • I live in south florida and it gets pretty hot too. i keep my tank in my bedroom, which has a window the size of the wall. and it gets pretty hot. I keep the tank away from the window against a corner. also, you can get a clip-on fan. just a regular fan, doesnt have to be for an aquarium. also, keep the lights and heater off. keep the shades on the window closed too. this has helped keep the tank cool, even during hurricanes when theres no power.