How come ducks and geeses like to eat bread?

Whenever I get the chance to go to parks with ducks and geeses, I like to feed them bread. How come they like to eat bread? Also, does anybody know if they will eat crackers?

    How come ducks and geeses like to eat bread?

    Whenever I get the chance to go to parks with ducks and geeses, I like to feed them bread. How come they like to eat bread? Also, does anybody know if they will eat crackers?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How come ducks and geeses like to eat bread?...

    • How come ducks and geeses like to eat bread?

      How come ducks and geeses like to eat bread? Other Pet Discussions
      Whenever I get the chance to go to parks with ducks and geeses, I like to feed them bread. How come they like to eat bread? Also, does anybody know if they will eat crackers?

      How come ducks and geeses like to eat bread?

      How come ducks and geeses like to eat bread? Other Pet Discussions
    • They eat bread, crackers and everything that gets in their way. They're hungry lil fellows. Careful: the geese like to bite (very territorial) and a bite from one of those can be quite painful and serious. Same with swan.Stick around the ducks, they're a lot nicer and too small to hurt anybody.

    • I think it is because it is a starch and fills them up faster than say eating little bugs. Would take them all day to eat the weight of one slice of bread compared to the same weight in bugs.I bet they get like humans...when you eat too many carbs you just crave more and more! Yes !they will eat crackers too!I used to go to Wapato lake growing up as a young child . My mom would save up stale bread for the ducks. The park ended up having to shut down the lake after 15 yaers because the poop output from the ducks was not natural. Serious quantity issues.,.. and ruined the lake. They ended up having to drain it. Now you can't feed them or you get a ticket. After I became of "thinking age" I stopped feeding them. After I realized how bad it is and how dependant they get on people food! And how mean they get when they see you have food and they want it worse than a pregnant lady wants her ice cream! If you know what I mean!

    • They eat bread because well-meaning humans throw it to them so it is easier to eat that than to forage for their own food. Many parks ask the public NOT to feed birds bread, etc, as it is not their natural diet, also rotting bread, etc, increases the chances of the wild birds contracting botulism, a fatal infection.

    • because when they eat the bread then drink water it swells in their stomach and fills them up. I would not give them many crackers for all the salt in them it can't be good for them if it is not good for us